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Most likey all of my chapter will be unedited so if there's mistakes sorry.

We both start slowly leaning in until someone knocks at the door. We quickly pull away.

"Are you guys hungry" I hear Bryce ask.

"Yeah" I say

"Ok well we just got back from the grocery store so there's food in the house now and Griffin made mac and cheese" Bryce says

"Ok were coming" I say.


3rd person pov

When they get downstairs josh and Jaden sit far away from each other. Everyone but Jaden is talking but Jaden dosnt mind he's to lost in his thoughts and focused on finishing eating so he can run back to his room and curl up on his bed to think about what him and josh just almost did. Josh is talking but not to much he's just answering with "yeah" and "ok" and little laughs. Both boys are flustered. All of the other sway boys have noticed that josh and Jaden like each other more then friends and they want them to hurry up and make it official casue they ship them and their tired of the sexual tension lingering in the air. Jaden finishes first out of him and josh. He cleans his dishes then speed walks to his bedroom not wanting to seem to suspicious.

Jaden's pov

Once I get back to my bedroom I lay on my bed and curl in a ball under my covers. I start thinking about josh and what happened. "What if he hates me now". "What If it was just a in the moment thing" and so many other thoughts about it are racing through my mind. I get more stressed and I can feel myself slowly slipping into my headspace. Yes I am a little. No one but Griffin knows. And Griffin knows casue he walked in on me one time when I was in my little headspace and played with me. He's my temporary caregiver. He keeps trying to convince me to confess my feeling to josh and ask josh because he knows I want josh. Yeah he also knows I'm in love with Josh. My age when I'm a little is 3. I'm in my headspace and I want to play. I can only play with griffy so I'm going to go get him. But he tells me I have to quietly ask him so no one heads cause it's a secret. I walk downstairs and see all the boys downstairs some running around filming by the pool and some of the boys in the the pool. And blake is sitting on Griffin's lap and they are watching a movie. A boring movie. I wanna play. I want my blankie,teddy,and pacie (that's what he calls his binky). I stand to the side of Griffin and pout. I pull on his hoodie sleeves and he looks at me.

"Jaden want to play" I whisper quietly in one of Griffin's ears do blakey won't hear.

"Ok" Griffin whispers.

"Blake get up"

"Why" Blake whines.

"Because I have to go help Jaden"

"Ugghhh" blake says.

He stands up and sits on the couch crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. Jaden dosnt want blakey to be sad. I want blakey to be happy. I look at griffy.

"Bwakey come wif Jaden and grwiffy" I say pouting and looking at Griff with puppy dog eyes.

Blake looks at me confused because I'm talking like a little kid. Griffin sighs knowing big me dosnt want anyone else knowing.

"Why are you talking like that jay" Blake asks me.

"Just come with us and I will explain it upstairs." Griffin says.

"Ok" Blakey says.

We walk upstairs and I whine wanting to play and getting upset that I don't have my pacie,blankie,and teddy. Griffin picks me up noticing I'm getting upset and sits me on one of his sides. I lay my head on his shoulder and look at blake. I reach for blake and whine.

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