Chapter 3: Taki takes the final practice

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November 9, one day before the performance

The time as 5:30am, and Taki is already up before his alarm.  He proceeds to switch on his phone which has a lot of messages and most of them are from Hayasaka.

"What's with Hayasaka? I kept hearing some buzzes on my bed" he complains as his sister enters his room.

"Ah! Good morning, Taki. I made coffee and my very own chicken katsu or you!" she nonchalantly says as Taki gets up from his bed and proceed to go to the dining area to eat.

"Wait, there's a box and a letter on top of my desk" he proceeds to get the box and opens it to find a pure silver violin charm.

"A violin charm. It's pretty nice" he opened the letter next, in which he blushes too.

"A letter?? From Hayasaka??" he thought to himself while he wears the charm.

"So are you just going to panic there or what?" Shoko complains for waiting for around five minutes.

"Okay okay let's eat now" they both proceed to the dining area.

"So while you were asleep, I did something to you.." Shoko looks away from her brother.

"Hmm? What is it?" Taki sounded like he didn't exactly care.

"I just played with your hair. I just envy your hair because it's all wavy while mine is just straight" she had the feeling of envy again while blushing.

"Heh. You're still better than me anyway. I mean, you're a great author and I'm just a violinist"

"Shut up. People know you worldwide for your confident playing" Shoko retorted as she stood up from her chair and punches him lightly on the arm.

"Okay okay. No fights during breakfast. The last time this happened, mom got angry. Remember?"

"Whatever. You're still my brother anyway", she pouted at him as he prepares to go to school. Taki prepares his school bag but leaving his violin behind, which is unusual. He regularly gets his case four times a day to play with it. It seems like this is one of the breaks that he'll have.

"I'm off already, sis. Bye bye!", he waves his sister goodbye as he's gonna have a day off from practicing. His sister returns the wave to him while shedding a tear.

"He grows up so fast and I feel happy and proud to have a brother like him. If it weren't for him, then I wouldn't become an author" Shoko felt grateful for her brother while thanking him for all the lessons and quotes he gave her.

Meanwhile, Taki spots Hayasaka just outside the train station.

"I've been waiting for you for the last 30 minutes now" she complained in front of him and gave him a dead eye.

"Why were you waiting for me anyway? It's not like you need something from me" Taki also complained about Hayasaka waiting for him. Hayasaka drags him closer to her but notices the silver violin charm gleaming at her.

"You got my gift? That's nice!" Hayasaka was looking at the  charm.

"Thank you so much for the gift. By the way, wanna watch me play again? The special performance is tomorrow" Taki gives Hayasaka a request.

"Sure. I'll just tell that I'm going with you"

The train has arrived and the two of them go inside it. The train then leaves and goes back on track. Meanwhile, Hayasaka and Taki were sitting beside each other.

"First time on the train, Hayasaka?" he asks her, who was leaning on his arm. 

"She's leaning on my arm?!" Taki silently thought to himself while trying to calm down.

"Nope. I easily lose balance inside a train so I'm not that fond of it"

Nothing but the sound of the train was emitted while both feel asleep and leaned on each other. 

[20 Minutes later..]

"Hayasaka, wake up. We're here already" Taki attempts to wake up Hayasaka, whose head was on his lap.

"Hmm? What time is it?"

"4:35pm" he responded as they stand up and exit the train. Hayasaka and Taki head for the place of his mentor.

"Looks like we're here" they both went inside and were greeted by the mentor.

"Taki, you're here!!" his mentor tells him while giving him a tight hug.

"N-Naomi-san, too tight!" Naomi

"Oh, is this person beside your girlfriend?" she added.

"Ohh uhh, she's not my girlfriend. Well, yet" he responded.

"Oh hi! I'm Ai Hayasaka. Pleased to meet you" she greeted Taki's mentor.

"I'm Naomi Azusagawa" Naomi introduces herself to Hayasaka, who was looking away from Taki. Naomi is a 19 year old mentor of Taki. The interesting thing is that she had a crush on Taki since they first met at school.

"By any chance, do you like him?" Naomi asks her.

"N-No! We're just friends you know" she pouts at Naomi, who was preparing her essential things. She gives both Taki and Hayasaka some green tea.

"Drink up some tea that I made for you!"

"Thank you so much!" they both respond as they drink their cup of tea. 

"Anyways, are you ready for our last practice Taki-kun?" she asks Taki.

"Yup!" he responded.

"By the way, you can watch Taki-kun practice the violin again. It's funny when he gets a wrong note" she winked at Hayasaka.

[Time Skip]

Taki and Hayasaka boarded a bus on their way home. Taki was silent while Hayasaka was staring out of the window. Unexpectedly, she sees snow falling outside.

"Snow? Isn't it early during this time-" she felt something leaning on her. When she looked to her left, it was Taki who was leaning on her. This of course made her smile and decides to play with his hair.

"Thank you for bringing me here in this day. I couldn't be any happier. Thank you really" Hayasaka whispers on his ear and gives him a kiss on the forehead.

Love is War AU: Hayasaka and the ViolinistWhere stories live. Discover now