Chapter 5: The Student Council Watch a Performance (Part II)

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After practicing the violin, Taki is now in good shape. Minerva, on the other hand, is sitting and memorizing the piano notes. He could hear her tap on his notebook and she looked very intense while practicing. Like a person in an adrenaline rush, she does it fast.

"I must not screw up or I might make him mad!" she thought to herself, believing that failure is the doom to their friendship. She sweats, and gets nervous. She's putting effort for their turn.

Meanwhile, Taki feels sleepy waiting for their turn. He just sits there and does absolutely nothing. He looks bored and finally notices Minerva memorizing.

"Is she even okay?" he got worried and decided to tell her to calm down. She ignores his advice and continues to memorize. Before he gets a chance to speak, an announcement was made. 

"Pair 4! I repeat, Pair 4! You're up!". It was their turn to play their piece. Minerva (Author's note: Her last name is Watanabe) was struck with fear and pessimism. Thinking that she might ruin the performance, she shivers for a bit.

"Minerva-san, come on! It's our turn now!" Taki called for her and she follows him, overcoming her nervousness. They walk to the stage in their formal outfits. At last, they show themselves on stage. It may be silent but there are certain people at the back cheering for them: The Student Council!

"It's really their turn now!" Iino exclaimed in awe as she felt goosebumps of this feeling. 

"We'll get to hear what he'll play as a violinist!" she added. Meanwhile, Ishigami is fast asleep. He was until Iino bonked him in the head and woke up.

"Woah! Miyazono-senpai is on stage!" Ishigami showed his support before swiftly falling sleep on Shirogane's shoulders. Shirogane jumped for a while only to find that out.

"Is he even okay?"  Kaguya and Iino silently complained about him falling asleep. After, the council are now focused on the pair. Meanwhile, Hayasaka is thinking about something... no, someone. Someone special, talented, and wise.

"You can do it, Taki-kun.." she prayed that he would succeed together with Minerva as a pair. Now, the performance has commenced. 

==Musical Piece==


The hall begins to be filled with intensity and emotion as they play the piece. Back on the stage, Taki feels his heart getting heavy as time goes by.

"Weird. My heart is being heavy", he complained under his breath. But, this won't stop the young violinist to play. He kept going and going. Hearing the violin and piano notes blend under the sky feels harmonious and calming.

"Woah, he's really good at this", Hayasaka silently commented. She feels comfortable by the sounds created. However, her heart feels strange. Blooming love once again? Admiration of talent? Whatever it is, her heart must be acting up.

Minutes later, Taki has played the final violin note! The crowd applauds the pair for a wonderful performance! The student council, despite having not listened to classical music, were also enthralled. They didn't say a single word, even Kaguya or Iino.

The judges have their verdict. "The violin had great playing, however, he was shaking." Judge #1 commented. "The piano was precise and sound. I actually like." Judge #3 has commented. "The harmonious feeling of the violin and the piano. A match made in heaven!" Judge #2 commented.

Hayasaka on the other hand, was speechless. Feelings rushing, she just feels comfortable seeing them play like a couple in heaven.

"They were so good. I didn't expect his hardwork to pay off", she commented.

Meanwhile at the back, Taki feels his chest getting heavier and walks quickly. Minerva manages to catch up to him, looking worried. 

"Are you okay, Taki?" she asked in a worried tone.

"I'm good, Minerva-san. Don't worry about--"

Thump! He has collapsed on the floor. The people also saw him collapse and went towards him, asking if he is okay. Minerva pulls out her phone and calls for an ambulance.

"You'll be okay, Taki. Hang in there. You'll make it", Minerva wondered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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