NaibEli <3

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You guys actually like this stuff? Hell yeah! Plus take Eli's stage actor being photogenic

His blue eyes quickly opened in a panicked state. He had awoken from a nightmare that he hadn't remembered. His eyes glanced around him as he tried to find his lover. He turned and saw a mess of dirty blond hair laying on his back taking up most of the bed. He sighed with a small chuckle as he still wondered how he ended up sprawled out on the bed.

Eli moved closer to his lover and smiled. He lightly placed his hand onto Naib's to help himself sit up. He leaned down and tried to place a kiss on to the sleeping male's cheek.

He would have succeeded if he hadn't lost balance because of his boyfriend moving onto his side. He panicked and felt his lips touch the blond's. His face heated up with a soft layer of red. He moved away from Naib and closed his eyes to act like he was asleep the whole time.

"Aww babe that was a cute attempt." One of Naib's blue orbs opened up and looked at the "sleeping male." Eli opened his eyes and looked at him. He only let out a small noise of embarrassment as he hid his face into his boyfriend's chest.

"I'm sorry!" Was the only thing Eli said as his face increased a few hues of red. Naib smiled and pushed the brunette away from his chest.

"Don't apologize, and don't hide in my chest." He said as he voice was still raspy from sleep. Eli grinned as he had an idea. He moved closer to the mess of blond hair to kiss his forehead this time. His boyfriend's sapphire eyes followed the moments of the seer, before pulling him down and giving him a proper kiss.

The brunette's eyes widened and looked at the other male as he pulled away. Yes, they had kissed but Eli was the one who usually started it. So this was a new thing, and that new thing is something that pulled the seer in more. The two stared at each other not knowing what to say. It's wasn't an awkward silence. It was more of a quiet loving moment or it would have if one of the male's hadn't started to laugh.

"What are you laughing about!? Am I that bad of a kisser?! Or is it my face!? Did I look mad!?" Naib asked as his expression turned to a mixture of confusion, frustration, and a tiny bit of embarrassment. He touched his face before turning away with a pout.

"No! It's not that! I liked the kiss! I liked it a lot actually but...... actually I don't know why I'm laughing." His light eyes looked into the ones of his boyfriend. "I would like you to do it again." He smiled and moved the male over to his back. He sat in front of him. Naib sat up with a smirk.

"Well then I'll kiss you again." The explosive male smiled back softly before kissing him and interlocking their fingers together. Eli smiled into the kiss and pulled away. He leaned down and laid his head against Naib's chest. Naib hummed and used his other hand to run his fingers through the thick brown hair. "You're very handsome. I think you know that already, you better."

Eli laughed and put his face into Naib's collarbone. "No you're handsome." He mumbled and moved up to kiss the other's cheek. Naib laughed and slowly move his body to lay on the bed. Eli held on to him and smiled.

"Ok go to bed Eli. It's dark outside." Naib said as he closed his eyes, his soft humming was the only noise in the room. He smiled as heard a soft snore from below him. He sighed and leaned back into the pillow. It was peaceful something the mercenary didn't experience until he came to the manor and met the seer.


Word count:652

Sorry it's so short! I saw that people were actually reading this and panicked! </3 thank you I honestly thought that I'd just have my friend reading this! But I do need requests

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