The Rain, And Stubborn Secretary :10

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Tick tock-

Ezoe saved the file quickly on her laptop and closed it with a thud.

Finally the day ended. It was horrible.

She quickly opened her water bottle, taking loooongg sips from it.

The guilt of not joining and helping her father in his business vanished completely after coming here. God, She was quite lucky in this decision.

She couldn't wait any longer to leave this hell place.

Why people is so obsessed over finding a puppet jobs?! Following orders ..smiling foolishly.. Working nonstop.. Going home late..

Ezoe was now completely regretting for not abandoning her sister into Devil Boss' hands.

She was already missing her work. She was close to completing her new romance book. Her face grimaced remembering the particular sex scene her twin wrote for her book. Eww! It was too much detailed.. She ditched finishing it.

By her damn luck lady. Today wasn't schedule for any long hour meetings. She was such a noob in arranging everything for Arjun Shome, doing minor mistakes here and there.

Her eyes followed through the visible glass door. A beautiful man was sitting inside glaring at something on some open files. His eyes turned down in deep concentration. She couldn't read his expressions from here. But she could see his sleeves were rolled up till his elbow showing off his hidden tattoo on his wrist. What was it about, it wasn't clear.

Dark black hairs falling over his long eyelashes. An epitome of perfect dreamy man resembling the male lead of some dark story. Hmm.. Dark sexy story.. Hehe..

At least the CEO is good looking and she was able to cheer up after just staring at him. If his attitude was also this good.. Phew!

Who knew, the Big Boss, and the devil Arjun Shome was her sweetest date once.

Ezoe sighed. Her sister sent her picture of herself enjoying sunbath at some beach of Miami. She doesn't understand why Karen was trying to make her jealous..that evil witch!

Cons of having manipulative businesses woman as your sister. So lucky!

But I miss her!! :/

Even though there were differences between their lifestyle or capabilities. They were twin sisters and always held each other's back. She always supported her in her life choices.

"Are you done drooling, Secretary Karen?"

"Not yet." Ezoe looked at Karen's photo regretting for not going there herself. Miami. Nice beach. Sunbath. Lemon juice. Last not least , hot guys in bathing pants.

"Is that you?"

A voice asked again.

Ezoe zoomed the photo almost pouting, sulking. "No. My ghost twin."

"A cute ghost, then."

Ezoe was now annoyed. "Cute my butt. She's definitely a cunning witch. I want to sunbath too."

A loud chuckle made Ezoe look up.

There stood the nightmare of the man himself.

Ezoe was startled, jumping on her two feets to standing up quickly.

"You describe yourself quite uniquely my dear." Arjun showed off his teeths, smiling so brightly Ezoe was almost blinded by his sparkling face.

Where has gone the stern, serious CEO look!? Who's this guy?

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