Change of Plans :14

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At 3A.M.

loud ringing of phone.. Resonated inside the whole room..

Yawning the girl opened her eyes still feeling sleepy.

"Where is my phone?" She mumbled looking around.

The lights were still on. She felt a soft fur ball snuggling into her foot.

"Mimi.." She sighed looking at her kitten sleeping peacefully. Her long tall moving back and froth into air.

How did I get into my bed? Ezoe scratched her hairs looking at her bed. Last time she was forced to snuggle with Arjun and watch movies with him in his phone and then... She doesn't remember.

When the ringing grew louder Ezoe got up from her bed and after looking around finally found her phone lying on floor in corner of the cabinet.

Ezoe calling...

Ezoe blinked. How can I call myself ?

stupid girl, its your sister. Pick up.

'O' Ezoe who finally remembered she has a twin sister who is faking her identity she walked back to her bed before lying lazily and answered Karen's call.


"Hello my butt. Why didn't you return my call Ezoe?"

I never noticed I was receiving missed calls.

How can you when your attention is on someone.


"Just oh! I need to inform you something important Ezoe. WE ARE IN TROUBLE!! F***"

"Don't curse." Ezoe frowned.

Mimi meowed cutely before moving her tail and walking towards Ezoe.

"Don't teach me manners now Zoe. Not right time.. F** hell.."

Ezoe rolled her eyes. She petted Mimi's soft head as Mimi closed her eyes again going back to her precious sleep. A tiny attention seeker for sure.

"So what's the trouble again?"


"Don't scream.. Sheesh.. I was busy. So I couldn't see your missed calls."

Wasn't she supposed to busy herself tanning her skin while I worked here hard for her sake.

What is she complaining about now?


Wrong answer. Now she sounds more angry. Oops

I cleared my throat and tried to explain her once again "I mean I was busy understanding and managing your work here. You know this is really hard for me. Most of the time I don't know what to do and how. And Monika wants me to complete the pending drafts of my book. "

"I'm sorry." Karen's voice softened a little. Finally she understands.

I smiled a little. She gets angry quickly then calm down quickly too.

" So what's up?"

"I am trapped. I mean We are trapped"

Ezoe quickly sat up on her seat, panicked.

"Are we caught? Are you in jail right now?! Oh Lord! " She opened the drawer hurriedly to look for phone diary "I'll call the lawyer, don't panick Karen.. Wait first let me pack my luggage.. "

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