She knew it could bring justice back to having a distant behavior and be worrisome and she didn't want that.

Kahsye looked over at her phone and decided to call alani.

After the fifth ring she answered .

"Hey pretty."Alani's voice rung through the phone.

"Hey how are you?"Kahsye asked.

"Chille , my feet swollen and this big bitch can't do shit around here."Alani smacked her lips making kahsye laugh a little.

"But what you needed hunny?"Alani got serious.

"I know this is personal , but when you say justice is somewhat like his father, what do you mean?"Kahsye bit her cheek out of habit.

"He has anger issues and he's sometimes possessive, but listen he's not as bad as this nigga."Alani said.

"So did you have problems with tell him you were pregnant?" She asked.

"Yea- Are you pregnant?"Alani stopped and asked.

"Umm, Yeah but it's four months now and I haven't been able to tell justice yet."Kahsye said holding her head down , she was honestly embarrassed.

"Well hunny , congratulations on giving me yet another grandchild... But justice isn't Jessie, their similar in ways but they are not the same , Justice's father was .... I don't know how to put it right now but justice isn't like him at all, justice stands by anything he believes and cares about , just call him up and talk."Alani told her.

"I can't find it in myself honestly, I know he won't turn me away , but what if he doesn't want another responsibility?"She frowned.

"Well he should've known to wrap his pipe up , before the water leaks,it's his responsibility, we'll both of you , you have to decide not to keep it from that man from his child, trust me you don't want to be a single mom in y'all generation."

"Your right, thank you for the advice, Amma call justice."

"Nah go to him , this a face to face conversation."Alani sighed.

"Call me to let me know ."She spoke again.

"I will, thanks again."Kahsye hung up.

Kahsye grabbed her charger and keys and walked towards the door.

She was already dressed in a sweatshirt ,all she needed was her shoes , so she was good to go.

She went out to her car and drove to justice apartment and when she got there it was police officers surrounding his apartment and she looked confused because he lived in a nice apartment complex.

She got out and looked and saw Christian with a irritated look on her face with Justice friends beside her.

"What's wrong?!?!"She sped walk over to them , she began panicking.

"Justice ass going to jail for some bullshit". And that made her heart drop out her ass.

"What you mean he going to jail". Her heart pace began to pick up as she looked back.

"Just how it sound dumb ass. He going to jail". Zach said.

"Nigga you can pipe down talking to her like that. She's panicking just like you". Deja rolled her eyes.

"What happened".

"He got caught with some shit. He had a warrant". Kaziya said.

"Where's Ceuani". She asked.

"She ain't even here. Thankfully. She with my mama and I have to call my mama and let her know her son in jail". Christian sighed.

"You putting that shît too fucking tight". Justice rolled his eyes.

"Ju". Kahsye ran over to him but the officer stopped her.

"Ma'am back up".

"I just wanted to say bye". She frowned, her tears were threatening to fall.

She had alot to say , but it was unfortunate she had no time to say it , her time was running out, her heart was pacing and her mind was racing, nothing was good at the moment.

"Ju..."She sobbed a little.

"Kahsye , just take care of my daughter , make sure she good ok?"His voice broke, he just wanted to make sure Ceauni was good , and kahsye was the only person he trusted with her other than his family.

"But...Justice."She reached for him but the cop pulled him back.

"Stopped fucking grabbing me nigga , you got me in a fucking cuff, fuck else you want?!"He yelled staring at the officer.

"Tone your voice down sir, or I might do this with force"The office tapped his gun.

"Fuck you and that gun."He spat.

"Ju listen ..."Kahsye grabbed his attention.

"I- I'm pregnant justice, four months justice , I di-didnt know how to tell you justice ,you weren't ready, we weren't ready , I'm sorry."She broke down.

Chris and deja ran over to her trying to console her.

"Kahsye, calm down baby."Jersey hugged her.

"He's leaving! How the fuck dan i calm down?"She cried.

"Kahsye, i- "justice started.

"Lets go."The officer said pulling him.

"Fuck you, let me the fuck go."Justice struggled , he was trying to tell kahsye something.

"I swear if I wasn't in these cuffs..."He continued to restrain.

"Justice, calm down baby, calm down before they get really defensive and shoot you."Kahsye spoke with tears on her face.

"I love you". She said blowing him a kiss

"Love you too". He said before getting in the back of the cop car.

"You pregnant". Jersey raised her eyebrows.



andddddddd scene.

that's it got this book, not the series. book 3 coming tomorrow.

Chileeeee unexpected ending wasn't it?

anyways, y'all in for a ride book 3 cause that's gon be my favorite.

but we love y'all.

xoxoxo- JB💋

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