Chapter Seven

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    It was three in the morning and there was a loud knock on the door. I looked up to see if it was Sydney by any chance, but she was snoring heavily in her bed. I walked to the door and opened it with a blast, and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw who it wass. Rahul. He immediatley walked inside with a nervous face and starated pacing. 

    "Rahul wh-"

    "look I know it's late and all but I have to tell you know, I have been holding this inside me the whole time, do you know how it feels to be so nervous to hold this inside you the whole time, do you? " He interrupted me, and just as I was about to talk, he cut me off again. "Exactly you don't so don't expect me to keep it inside for so lon ok? I'm human I have a right to spit things out when I need to do you get it? This is all just happening so quickly and-" I suddenly covered his mouth with my hand and dragged him into my closet since Sydney was sleeping. 

    "God will you just shut up!" I said "Now cool down, take a breath and tell me what the hell is going on" He sighed loudly and began speaking, but this time, calmly.

    "Alright, so after you left, Micaela came over saying that she needed to talk, so she came and we started talking and stuff got a bit weird until I was about to kiss her when she stopped me." Kiss her? KISS HER? KISS FREAKING VOLDEMORT! THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW MR. RAHUL BHATIA IS KISS MY ASS, my head screamed. "I mean I thought she wasn't into me and all and then she told me that she had this huge secret that she thought I should know about, and she told me... she has a drug problem." But ofcorse I already knew that. 

    "What? your saying this girl has a drug problem and you still like her?"I asked as if I had no idea hoping that he would totally deny ever having feelings for her. 

    "Look, I know it sounds bad, but it gets better. She wanted me and suprisingly, you too, to help her get off her addiction." wait what? Help her? Lose her addiction? Did she just fall from the sky or what? Rahul was my guy (or atleast I hoped so) and I couldn't let her take him. Not like that I couldn't.  "Priya?" He suddenly broke me from my thoughts "Will you do it? Will you help me?" Oh hell no. I am so not.

    "Maybe" Wow I was not supposed to say that, what was happening? "Look I don't want us to get into any drug problems, besides she can go to rehab or something, I mean, nobody loses a drug addiction that fast anyways." 

    "But we can try, can't we?" He looked at me with puppy eyes "Look I know this is too much to ask, and I have already asked you for so much help, so if you deny, it' s ok" He said right before turning around to leave. But I couldn't. I just couldn't see him like that. I think I would rather hate myself for helping him than letting him go like this. So I immediatley pulled his hand and told him to wait.

    "Fine, I'll do it." He put a big smile on his face, and hugged me tight. I didn't want to leave him,  I wanted him to stay with me like that for my whole life.  I wanted him so badly. 

    "Your the bestest friend anyone could ever have , Priya, really. Thank you. And don't forget that you will always be my bestest friend" And that's when I felt it again, the feeling of pain, the feeling of love and realised, I had fallen into the trap again. I had fallen for Rahul, again. 

    Before leaving he reminded me about the ball in two days gave me a soft kiss and left.

    I was on my way to the ball in Rahul's car, but I was nervous as hell. I couldn't face that demon. It was too much. We made our way through the grand mansion, everybody was mostly above the age of fourty and we were the only young ones. I suddenly felt eyes on me and the eyes said

    "Did I metion that you look amazing today" he said with a flirty voice. This was the first time I had ever heard his say something flirty like that to me. 

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