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<<Authors Note: I love comments! Leave comments whenever you'd like, no matter what they may be, I would love to hear them. Comment if you think something was funny, or if you think y/n is being overly dramatic, or if you thought of something random that you wanna share. I wanna hear it all!>>

'Seonghwa Nikiforov had never failed to surprise me. Ever since I first saw him skating, he had been my idol. Growing up, my twin brother and I would go to our local skating rink, Ice Castle Hasetsu, and try to do his routines or attempt the various jumps he did. The keyword in that sentence is try. Of course, we were very young, so we weren't that great, but as we got older, we started to get better and better.'

Seonghwa skated onto the ice holding a bouquet, with a gold medal around his next. He waved to the crowd of cheering fans. Next to him stood San Giacometti and Yeosang Leroy, the second and third-place finishers. The crowds cheers echoed throughout the arena, Seonghwa's name the loudest cheer of all. Seonghwa had a very large fanbase and they always came out in droves when he would compete.

"He's also crushed the free-skating event! It will be the fifth consecutive Grand Prix victory for Russia's legend, Seonghwa Nikiforov," Morooka announced. "Remember, that this is the co-ed competition, so we have women and men competing against each other. There are also rumors that he might retire this season, but after his masterful performance, I highly doubt that will occur."

Y/N was sitting on a chair, looking at her phone while her coach, Celestino, stood in front of her. There were several things going through her head. First, it was the fact that she had done so horribly in her first Co-Ed Grand Prix Final. Second, it was the fact that she had done so badly in front of her idol, Seonghwa Nikiforov. Third, it was how badly her knee was hurting her.

"As for Katsuki Y/N, who earned a spot in the Grand Prix Final for the first time, what do you think, Honda-San?" Morooka asked.

She held her phone, which had a blue case with poodles on it, and she was reading an article titled: "Katsuki Defeated: Still Needs to Work on Nerves". They had used a picture of Y/N with her head down while her coach comforted her in the kiss and cry. The article served as a cruel reminder of how poorly Y/N had done during the competition. How unlike her normal self she was.

"Well, she didn't perform like her usual self today," Honda responded to Morooka's question.

"Y/N, don't look at the news. Let's go back," Celestino said.

"Katsuki Fell to Last Place. Is This Season Her Last?" Y/N said. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She knew she had done bad, but she didn't realize she had fallen all the way to sixth place. It really hurt her once she realized how badly she did. "Celestino...What am I supposed to do now?"

"Y/N..." Celestino said.

'My name is Katsuki Y/N. I'm one of the dime-a-dozen top skaters certified by the JSF, the Japanese Skating Federation. I'm 23. My name makes me seem strong, but I finished last place at my first Grand Prix Final. I still can't accept what happened! You might be asking, 'what is the Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final', and I'll tell you. The Grand Prix Final, the GPF, is a senior-level international figure skating competition. It has categories for men, women, pair skating, ice dancing, and there is even a co-ed competition where the women and men skaters can compete against each other. I compete in the co-ed competition. It is harder than the normal men and women competition, but I enjoy the challenge, it pushes me to do my best. However, even though it is a co-ed competition, they don't have a certain number of each gender, so that year it had been five men and one woman, which was me. Even though it is co-ed, it typically ends up being five men and one woman, because most of the women end up not making it to the final. Only the best of the best female skaters are able to make it to the final.

Born to Make History (Seonghwa x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя