The Thief's Daisies

Start from the beginning

Percy, on the other hand, was an excitable, overenthusiastic little monster.

But when he was with Will, he was himself. With Will, he was a shy, quiet boy, bubbling with repressed feelings.

Whenever they hung out, they often sat cuddled close, arms wrapped around each other to ground them

Unlike Will, Percy's father, Poseidon, was found dead on his first birthday.

Their fathers died trying to protect the other, their hardwork proving useless.

Percy, having been young, only remembered snippets of his father. When he thought hard enough, he could see a warm glow, his fathers face wrapped in gold.

No matter how hard he thought about him though, the image was always blurred, his fathers face obscured by that same golden glow.

He sometimes caught the harsh glares from his brother, or the expectant stares of his mother.

It was too much. Too much for a seven-year-old to handle.

He looked a lot like his father - apparently - and so, sometimes, his mother forgot that he was only a child. That he was her baby. Her baby she expected too much from. She expected him to be like his father, expected him to follow in his footsteps.

How was he supposed to follow in the footsteps of the father he didn't even remember?

Triton, his brother, couldn't help his glares. His brother loved him, he knew he did, he was his baby brother.

But, having lost his father at ten, he sometimes forgot that it wasn't Percy's fault.

He just needed something to blame.

As long as it helped his brother, Percy was happy enough being that thing.


Percy sniffled, his face hidden in blonde curls.

He was at Will's house, again.

The eight-year-old didn't mind this, he loved Percy and his older brother adored them both. How could he say no to them?

This time however, Percy was staying the night because of what was happening at home. Gabe, Percy's stepfather, was drunk. Again.

Despite being so young, Will already knew what would happen if Percy stayed home tonight.

Besides, Percy would just show up in the morning anyway.

His small body would be bloody and bruised, his eyes tired.

But as soon as he saw Will, his eyes would light up in that way. The way that was solely reserved for Will. Will, his best friend.


Luke hated running. Hated hiding.

But it was all he'd done for the past two years.

No rest, no escape.

No love.


Sometimes, Percy felt like Will was the only person who liked him.

Will, his best friend, who he loved.

It had been a recent discovery. After all, Percy had always misplaced his love for Will as brotherly. To know that love was something more was...

Absolutely terrifying.

Percy wasn't supposed to love boys.

He was meant to love the girls who were mean to him, picked on him.

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