"In what way?" Kiana asked. "If you're saying he has a crush on me then you're wrong, he sees me as his best friend's little sister and that's it, I was trying to make him see me another way."

"Did you forget what you told me he said to you yesterday?"

Kiana blushed. No she didn't. It had been on her mind all night. It was the reason why she was trying to get his attention. Maybe there was something there, but she wouldn't admit it to Cadence unless she was sure.

"You mean about being his light? He was just flirting like usual..." Kiana said. "Probably trying to make me feel better because I was sick."

"But...he just said he'd beat up guys for looking at you in that outfit," Cadence pointed out.

Kiana smiled to herself. That was pretty cool...

"So would my brother," she found herself saying.

"Girl...are you in denial...you know what, never mind. I don't want you with him anyway, so yeah, he doesn't like you at all. He's your brother's best friend," Cadence said using Kiana's naivety to her advantage.

Jaden stood outside feeling slightly awkward. Did they not know he could hear them talking about him in the hallway?

He had to admit that he was flattered that she'd try to dress a certain way to catch his attention. She had no clue she'd already caught it and held it for a very long time. Maybe it was for the best. He shouldn't get involved with Kiana...she was too sweet, too innocent for him. He'd probably fuck up and break her heart and that would kill him.

Kiana swung open the door and stared at him with a rebellious look on her face. He looked her up and down and then gave her the smile she wanted.

"Dang it...don't melt continue to be angry! This is a new you remember?" she told herself.

"Much better," he said with approval.

"You know I wasn't really wearing those clothes to impress you so don't get any ideas."

"Really now?" he smiled at his sweet little liar.

"Yes, really. If I really wanted to wear them, I would have and you wouldn't have stopped me. It's just that...I felt a draft in that skirt. My thighs were getting cold."

Jaden burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" she frowned up at him.

He grabbed her hand in his and led her down the hallway. "I'm glad you feel that way, because you should never change anything about yourself to impress a guy. If he can't accept you for who you are, then you don't need him in your life."

She looked at him in confusion. "Then why did you make me change my clothes?"

"I've known you for years and you've never worn those clothes in your life. Those clothes are not who you are."

"Well of course the clothes don't make the person..."

"I know you Kiana and that shit isn't you!"

"You know nothing, John Snow!" Kiana yelled at him and walked away angrily.

They passed by the twins who was walking down the hallway on their way to class. They snickered in amusement at Jaden's confusion.

"Game of Thrones, we love that show! "Quinn told him. "We watch it with her every Sunday."

"Shut up," he told them and ran to catch up with Kiana.

"Maybe Ian is right. Did you see what she was wearing?" Nolan asked.

"Uh oh, she's acting out, "Quinn said. "Winter is coming," he said in a serious voice.

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