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Taeyong barged in the room heavily breathing and waled to his mother who cried. His father lied on the blood red bed that was once white. "Father I'm sorry" he held his hand knowing no reply would come to him.

he walked over to his mother who yet cried hugging her tightly, not long after jeno came running in too "What happened!" he ran inside looking at the sight "why hasn't it been removed yet" he asked in panic.

"I'm sorry your highness he did not make it"-"how could you let him die! no he can still be saved"-"he would have passed both ways I am truly sorry" it felt unreal not believing he was gone, he'll wake up soon is what he told himself.

She finally stood up still weak and wiping her tears that wouldn't stop, the medic came up to her "I believe it will be best if we take his majesty away"-"I-i think it will be best too as well" he said in a mournful voice.

The three left the room walking downstairs in silence "Mother im so sorry I was not here" jeno said holding her hand carefully "don't be sorry none of us knew, we shouldn't be in the past" she hugged both of them tightly, feeling drops of tears onto their clothes by their mother.

The day went by with a heavy heart tugging on Kenji had to go announce the deviating news to the kingdom. The aura got gloomy by the people hearing the unfortunate news.

Captain of guards came to the queen who sat lifeless on her seat "You majesty my deepest condolences for you loss of our great king" she only nodded at him "Im in no place to rush but-"-"we need a king" she said looking at him "Yes your majesty"

"I know I will speak to my son about this"-"Thank you for understanding" he bowed taking his leave out the hall. 

She stood up an walked to taeyong's room knocking gently "Come in" she opened the door he stood at his porch looking at the calming snow falling, it was his favorite thing to do. "What is is mother?" he walked to her sitting down "Taeyong, how would you feel of finding the prince"-"mother?"

"I want you to be happy and if it means to find him I will not stop you"-"a-are you serious?"-"I am, your father is too he wanted you to find love"-"Thank you"-"there are no conditions but taeyong I hope you know you are first in line to t-"-"take the position as my father?"-"yes"

"I know it's no condition I'm glad that father and you are the kindest, thank you mother"-"find him"-"I will" 


"Where were you!" Jaehyun looked at his mother expressionless with no response "answer me!"-"I am old enough to make my choices!  locking your son like a prisoner wouldn't sound good"-"He went to find taeyong, who I want to marry!" Eunji spoke pointing.

"No one is marrying that boy, we do not know where he is from nor does he suit you he's the reason behind this mess we will find their kingdom and destroy them"-"Im not letting you"-"who are you to give rules" the king spoke

"Okay I'm leaving then I will not cause anymore trouble" Jaehyun spoke "You will not go anywhere"-"Guards" she yelled they came running in "Lock him up, to where there is no exit"

They rushed over to the prince who struggled among all ten guards taking him away "Forgive us your highness" they said taking him away by force "NO MOTHER DONT PLEASE" he yelled trying to get out the grip 

"get that smile off your face Eunji it's your fault we had to do this to your brother"-"always him always him you never care about me!" she yelled at both "Lower your tone or you are next" rage and jealousy filled her heart and mind "I'll leave" she excused herself from the throne hall. 

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