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Three weeks later

"Is everything ready? I do not want any mistakes at all, haechan where is haechan?"-"everything is set Your majesty I have not seen the prince since this morning, I believe he went to the sunflower field"-"not again, please go find him mark"

He left the ball room running to find Haechan, Running to the stable to get his horse and find him as fast as he could.

There he was his fluffy hair could be seen by the tall flowers everywhere, He got off his horse and walked to where he was. "Mark!" haechan stood up right away putting away his book "Why do you hide it?" mark smiled making haechan blush.

"No reason, did you need something?"-"Your mother was looking for you, maybe you should go back or now and start getting ready for tonight"-"right I will" Mark took a step closer "W-what are you doing" The taller brushed his hair "you had a sunflower petal on you" 

"thank you um lets go now" He grabbed his book and walked to where mark waited for him offering to help him up of his horse "Thank you" He slowly put his arms around mark's waist holding on "the sunflowers are growing beautifully aren't they" haechan said admiring them "They are the sun is always shining bright making them look stunning"-"yeah it is"-"but I think you are the most stunning one here" Mark said smiling at haechan.

"Stop doing that It makes my heart flutter"-"thats the point your highness" haechan rolled his eyes smiling hugging mark tighter.


"You needed to see me mother" Haechan came in the ball room seeing his mother going through the list for the 100th time since the sunrise "Yes, go get ready for the evening guest will being to arrive at six"-"it's so early~" he whined "hush go get dressed, there is pumpkin pie in the kitchen you can have some after you finish"

He ran out the ball room and up the stair case to the kitchen to find mark waiting there already  "Go get ready and then you can have some"-"You're no fun" He whined going to him giving him puppy eyes. "That doesn't work on me anymore"-"Please~" haechan hugged him reaching for the pie behind mark.

"No come one lets go" The taller led him out the kitchen to his room. "wow that looks really nice" Mark said looking at Haechan's outfit for tonight. "Yup it even has a small sunflower here look" He pointed at the end of the sleeve a gold sewn sunflower. 

"I'll put it on now then" he took the outfit taking it to his dressing room leaving mark to wait in the main room. 

a few minutes later he came back out buttoning in the last button of his top "how does it look"-"charming as ever it compliments your gold skin brighter than a thousand light"-"s-stop that's embarrassing mark" He blushed furiously "its true" Mark walked to where haechan stood and looked at him in the eyes.

They stood inches away mark looked at his pink lips that were threateningly beautiful, haechan breathed heavily as mark slowly leaned in until their lips met, mark brought him closer by the waist holding his chin up with the other hand, haechan hugged mark back none of them stopping, until footsteps were heard both pulled apart quickly. 

"Haechan, are you almost done?"-"Y-yes mother I'm almost done I'll be there in a bit"-"okay" The footsteps faded off, both looked at each other smiling in love "I have to go get ready too now, I'll see you in a bit" mark kissed him one last time before heading out the room. 

Sighing in love he fell onto his bed smiling at the high ceiling touching his lips where mark had kissed him. quickly he remembered he styled his hair wanting to keep it fluffy but neat and took his crown placing it perfectly and out his room.

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