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We sat in our hut in the Southern Water Tribe. There was a slight change in plans. With Mom unable to bring herself to come back to the air-temple, Tenzin decided to drag everyone to The South. "Your tea." I sat the cup down on the kitchen table in front of Lin. "I do really miss work.. but I love being able to have dinner with you more." She smiled up at me. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I love it too." I said before starting to walk away to get my plate. "Hey," I felt Lin grab my wrist "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I turned back to her. "No like, I really love you. And appreciate everything you've been doing for me. I know I've been a burden and-" "Stop that right now, Lin Beifong. You're not a burden. I'm glad to be doing what I've been doing. I love you, Lin." I said. "I love you too." Lin smiled at me. "Why don't we go to Tenzin's after dinner? I'm sure the kids would love to see you." I suggested. "I don't know. I think Tenzin is still pretty heated from our argument last week." Lin said nervously. "You know what,  Tenzin can get the stick out of his ass if that's the case. We're going. So finish your dinner, and get dressed." I said. I started walking away again, but I stopped and turned back around. I placed a hand on the side of Lin's face and looked at her. "Yes?" She asked. "Nothing. You're just.. beautiful." I said. I leaned down and kissed her before walking away.

     Lin and I approached the big hut. "We really should've gave them a call first." Lin said. "It's my brother. I don't need to call." I said. "It's getting dark out, Kya. What if they're in bed." Lin said. "Believe me, they're not." We walked up and Lin knocked on the door. "Kya, Lin? It's nice to see you." Pema answered the door. "Hi, Pema!" I hugged her. "Aunt Kya!?" Ikki and Meelo greeted me on air scooters. "Come in." Pema let us in. "Pema, who's here?" Tenzin yelled throughout the hut. "It's-" "It's Aunt Kya and Aunt Lin!" Ikki yelled back. I felt Lin tense up at being called the children's aunt. It made me chuckle. "Aunt Lin?" She whispered into my ear. "I suppose so." I said. Lin pinched the bridge of her nose as we sat down. "Oh, Kya, Lin. Nice to see you." Tenzin said. "Yeah well, she dragged me here." Lin said. "How's Korra?" I asked. "Good. She's been practicing her Airbending, but she's having a tough time without the other elements. She feels unbalanced. Mother is going to try and heal her tomorrow." Tenzin said. "Tenzin, come sit down with us." Pema said as she brushed past his shoulder, carrying tea on a tray.

     The four of us talked for a couple hours. "Oh, Chief Beifong, Kya. If I would've known you were here I would've said hello sooner." Korra said as she entered the living room. "Hi, Korra." Lin said. "Hey. How are you feeling?" I asked. "I feel fine." Korra said, smiling weakly. "Do you want some tea?" Pema asked. "No, I'm okay. I should really get back to training." Korra said. "Korra, you've been training all day, take a break-" "I don't need a break, Tenzin. I'm fine." Korra said sternly before walking back outside. "Korra," Tenzin said. "Tenzin," I stopped him from following her. "Let me talk to her." I said. I walked out the back door and watched Korra for a second as she trained with airbending. "I- I'm not a shitty avatar- I-" "Nobody ever said you were." I yelled out to her. "Ah! Kya!" Korra jumped. "What are you doing out here?" Korra asked as she continued to punch the air. "I came to check on you. You seem pretty-" "Pretty what? Upset? I'm not." Korra said. "Alright then." I said. I used the water from the nearby pond to splash Korra in the back of the head. "What the hell, Kya!" She said. "What? You've been training all day. I wanna test your skills." I smirked at Korra. "You wanna test my skills? Fine." Korra furrowed her eyebrows and sent me tumbling backwards with a gush of air. I bent the water around my arms and used them as whips to hit Korra. "Just because I can't bend water doesn't mean I can't kick your ass, Kya!" Korra yelled as she broke an ice shard with her bare fist. "Then prove it." I yelled back. "I'm.. still.. the.. avatar!" She knocked me down. I covered the ground in water, then froze it. Korra fell down, but kicked air up at me. "I'm- I-" Korra started crying. "Hey, hey." I melted the ice and sat down next to her, pulling her into a hug. "I'm so weak." Korra cried. "No, you're not." I held her head in my chest. "But you can't keep bottling up your emotions, and ignoring them by training all day." I said. "My bending.. it was such a big part of me. And now it's gone." Korra cried. "A big part of you.." I thought outloud "Oh my god, Korra!" Asami came up to us. "Are you okay?" She asked Korra. "I.. I'm gonna go for a ride on Naga." Korra stood up. "Korra," Asami placed her hand on Korra's waist, stopping her from walking. "Do you want company?" Asami asked. Korra shook her head before walking away.

I walked into the hut with Asami. I stood over by the sink and used the water to heal the scrape on my forearm. "Kya? What happened?" Lin said. "Korra and I just got into a little.. fight." I said. "What? Are you okay?" Tenzin asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I started it." I said. "Wheres Korra now?" Lin asked. "She went for a ride on Naga." Asami said. Tenzin let out a sigh before exiting the house. Asami followed him. "Are you sure you're okay?" Lin watched as I healed my arm. "I'm fine, Lin. I promise." I said. I dried off my hands and turned to Lin. "See, perfectly fine." I said. Lin folded her arms. "I hope she's alright." Lin said. "She is, Lin." I wrapped my arms around Lin's neck and hugged her. "Kya, I hate hugs." Lin said into my chest. "That's a lie and we both know it. You just don't want anyone seeing you vulnerable." I said, squeezing Lin tighter. Lin grumbled then wrapped her arms around me. "I do hate hugs. Just not yours." She said. "Are you ready to go home?" I asked. "Yeah." Lin said.

     Lin and I said our goodbyes to the family, and headed outside. "Hey?" I said. "Yeah?" Lin looked at me. "Walk with me." I started walking in the opposite direction of our hut. "What? where are we going? it's getting dark." Lin said as she followed. "On a walk. I just said that." I said with a smile. We were now walking through and empty area. Nothing but the snow surrounded us, the light of the village slowly faded the further we walked. "It's cold." Lin said. "Here." I took my coat off and draped it around Lin's shoulders. I intertwined my fingers with hers, and brought her hand up to kiss it. "Whats up with you tonight?" Lin asked. "I'm always affectionate, what are you talking about?" I said. "Yeah, I know.. But you seem different tonight." Lin said.

"Today, I saw how broken Korra was without her bending," I stopped walking. Lin looked up at me. "It started to make me think.." I trailed off. I looked Lin in the eyes. "Lin.. are you okay?" I asked. "W-what do you mean? I've already told you, I'm fine, Kya." She said. "Lin, stop lying to me." I said softly. Lin's breath quickened and tears started to form in her eyes. "I'm- I'm fine." Lin said. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. I felt her squeeze my waist while she cried into my chest. "I love you, Lin. So much." I said. "I'm gonna be here for you whether you like it or not." I said. "Please. Please be here." Lin said. "I love you. I need you, Kya."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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