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Busting Cabbage Corp. didn't feel right. All the evidence directly points to them, but when we were questioning the owner and his employees, they weren't lying when they said they weren't involved with the Equalists. The anonymous tip was just that; anonymous. We've tried multiple ways to trace it back to the sender, but we've had no luck. I went to my closet and put my uniform on. The sun hit my face as I walked through Republic City. I contemplated visiting Air Temple Island, to visit the airbenders. To visit Kya. However, I decided against it when The Avatar busted through my office door. "What in spirits name do you think you're doing!?" I stood up from my chair. "Chief, I tried stopping her but-" "Please just listen to me." Korra said. "Get the hell out of my office." I said. "Beifong, just give me one minute." Korra pleaded. I crossed my arms over my chest. "You have forty-five seconds." I said. "Okay, so, Asami, Bolin, and Mako invited me to Asami's. I really had to use the bathroom, and on my way out I heard Asami's dad on the phone talking about how the investigation against Cabbage Corp. bought them time, and that they'd be ready to strike at the end of the week." Korra said. "What're you saying, Korra?" I said. "I think Hiroshi Sato is the one who's been manufacturing those weapons for the Equalists, and I think he's got bigger ones coming." She said. "Korra, that's crazy. Hiroshi has been nothing but compliant this entire time." I said. "Of course he has been. He doesn't wanna seem like he's guilty." Korra said. I sat and thought for a second. "Fine. Tenzin and I will go and ask him more questions." I said. "Thank you, Lin." Korra said. "Now get your ass out of my office. And never bust in here like that again." I said. Korra nodded her head and walked out. I guess I am going to Air Temple Island.

"I can't believe Hiroshi may be involved with the Equalists." Tenzin put his head in his hands. "I know. I don't wanna believe it either." I said. "But we have to talk to him about it." We stood in front of the Sato mansion with Korra. "Who's gonna knock?" Tenzin asked. "Not me." Korra said immediately. "Ugh." I walked towards the door and knocked. "Chief Beifong, Tenzin, Korra? What're you guys doing here?" Asami asked. "We need to speak to your father." I said. Tenzin and I walked past them and to Hiroshi's office. "Mr. Sato, we just have a few follow up questions for you." I said. Just then, Asami busted through the doors. Mako, Korra, and Bolin soon followed. "My father is innocent. Just because we're not benders doesn't mean we support those awful Equalists." Asami gave me a dirty look. "Equalists? Is that what this is about? I can assure you I have nothing to do with those radicals." Hiroshi said. "I overheard you on the phone. You said the Cabbage Corp investigation bought you time, and you're getting ready to strike. Explain that!" Korra pointed at Hiroshi. Hiroshi laughed. "This is all just a misunderstanding, resulting from the young Avatar's overactive imagination. My number one competitor was knocked out of the game. It's providing me an opportunity to strike the market with a new line of Satomobiles." He said. I looked away. "It's just business. Nothing nefarious." Hiroshi said. Tenzin and I looked at each other. "In order to put all suspicions to rest, might we have a look into your factories and warehouses?" Tenzin asked kindly. Asami sighed, clearly annoyed. "If you feel it's necessary, you're welcome to search all of Future Industries." Hiroshi said.

I had all of my officers search the Future Industries warehouses. We found nothing. "I can't believe we didn't find anything." Korra looked defeated. "It appears Hiroshi is innocent." I said. "Okay, you did your search. You can leave now." Asami said with an attitude. I glared at her. Mako pulled Korra away from us. "Lin, how about you come over for dinner tonight?" Tenzin said. "I'm fine with my takeout." I said. "Pema's making this delicious-" I held my hand up to keep Tenzin from talking anymore. "If you shut up now, I'll come over for half an hour." I said. "Good enough for me." Tenzin said. "I think you guys should hear this." Korra came up to us holding a note. "If you want to find the truth, meet me under the north end of the Silk Road Bridge at midnight." Korra read the note. "I guess we got a lead." I looked at Tenzin.

I sat at the table with Tenzin, Korra, Pema, Kya, Bumi, and the kids. "Chief Beifong?" Ikki looked at me. "Yes, Ikki?" I said as I took a drink. "Why don't you have a boyfriend?" Ikki said. I choked on my water. "Ikki! That is not an appropriate question to ask." Tenzin said. "I'm just curious." Ikki said. "Yeah, I think the Chief could use a strong man!" Meelo walked over to me. "And Meelo is a strong man." Meelo put one hand on his hip and the other one on my shoulder. He winked at me. I scoffed and and placed my hand over his face, pushing him away. "I said I would stay for half an hour, and I've been here for forty-five minutes. I think I should go now." I stood up. "Thank you, Pema, for the dinner." I said. I walked out the door, ready to leave the Island, when I heard my name being called. "Lin!" A hand on my shoulder caused me to turn around. "You know the kids didn't mean anything by what they said, right?" Kya said. "Yes, I know. I just think I should go." I tried to turn back around. "Why?" Kya stopped me again. "It's none of your business why!" I said loudly, making Kya jump back a little bit. She looked at me with a hint of concern in her eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Kya. I'm just really stressed right now." I rested my head in my hand, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "Hey, it's okay." Kya placed her arm on my shoulder. "Come here." She pulled me into a hug. She threw her arms around my neck and I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her waist. I felt her burry her face into my neck. I suddenly became tense when I felt her deeply inhale and her lips graze the side of my neck. "I need to go." I pushed away from the hug. "Alright." She kept her arms around my neck. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you, Lin. Just like how we used to be. We could be like that again" Kya said. "I wish we could be something else." I mumbled under my breath. "What?" Kya asked. "I said I need to leave." I pulled Kya's arms off of me. "Come back anytime you'd like." Kya smiled at me.

We waited until midnight before Korra, Tenzin and I went to the Silk Road Bridge. "Psst. Over here." We heard. "Listen, I joined the Equalists because I believed in what Amon said. I thought he could make life better for us nonbenders. But I didn't sign up for this.. this war." The guy said to us. "What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?" I asked. "He manufactured those gloves for the Equalists." The man said. "I knew it." Korra said. "And there are rumors he's working on something even bigger. Some new kind of weapon." The man said. "We searched all of Future Industries and found nothing." Tenzin said. "That's because he has a secret factory." The man kept looking around, making sure no one was watching us. "Where?" Korra asked. "Right underneath the Sato mansion."

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