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     I looked at myself in the mirror and scoffed. None of these clothes are good enough to wear out to dinner. At least not dinner with Kya. I just know she's gonna wear something that'll blow me away. She always does. I settled for the dark green jumper. I wrapped my gold belt around my waist, then slipped on my shoes. "Wow." I heard someone say. I looked over and saw Kya standing in the doorway of my bedroom. "Oh, Kya, hi." I smiled. "I let myself in. I hope that's okay." She said. "Of course it is." I said. "You look amazing." I said, hoping she wouldn't see my face blushing. "I look amazing?" Kya chuckled. "You're the one who looks amazing." Kya walked over to me. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. "Look at that, I got Chief Cranky Pants to smile." Kya said. "Oh, and is that a blush I see too?" She teased. "Keep teasing me and I'll throw you in cuffs." I jokingly threaten to arrest her. "Cuffs? Kinky." Kya smirked. I quickly became embarrassed, my face redder than before. "K-Kya!" I stammered. "That's not what I meant!" I said. Kya laughed at how flustered I had become. "Can we just go?" I crossed my arms. "What's wrong, did I upset you?" Kya joked. "Oh, shut up." I said. "Make me." Kya smirked at me. In one swift motion I kicked her feet out from under her, making her fall on the bed, and I climbed on top of her. "Are you sure about that?" I whispered in her ear. I heard her take a deep breath in as I kissed her neck.

     We walked into the restaurant and sat at a table in the far back. We ordered our food and drinks and talked while we waiting for them to come out. "See, isn't this nice?" Kya asked. "I guess." I said. "Don't be so paranoid, Lin. Who's gonna see us?" She said. "We'll, given that you picked the most popular restaurant in Republic City, anybody could see us." I said. "Lin.. everyone is on Air Temple Island." Kya said. "Everyone except Mako and Asami." I said as I watched the two walk into the restaurant. I put my elbow up on the table and slammed my head into my hand. "Lin, they won't see us, they-" "Chief? Kya?" I looked up and saw Mako and Asami standing in front of our table. My face immediately became red. "Oh, hi Mako, Asami." Kya said with a smile. "Hey. What're you guys doing here?" Mako asked. "We're just catching up." Kya said. "Yeah, so you can go now." I said. "Wow, Lin, I love your outfit." Asami said. "Thanks." I looked away from her. "I know, I said the same thing. Doesn't she just look gorgeous in something other than her uniform?" Kya said. "Absolutely." Asami smiled at me. "Well uh, we're gonna go sit down. Um.. we will.. see you guys later." Mako said awkwardly before he and Asami walked away. "Spirits, that was so weird." I said, slamming my face into the palm of my hand again. "No it wasn't." Kya said. "What if they go to the island and tell Tenzin and everyone?" I asked. Kya thought for a second. "Would it be so bad if they did?" She asked, a hint of sadness in her voice. It wasn't until then when I realized that the way I acted may have seemed like I was embarrassed or ashamed to be seen with her in public. Kya leaned back in her chair and looked down. I reached over and grabbed her hand from across the table. "Not at all." I smiled at her. She looked up at me and smiled back.

     We walked down the streets of Republic City, my hand in hers. I don't think a lot of people recognized me without my uniform on. She pulled me around the corner into a small, empty ally. "Kya, what're you doing?" I asked. She pulled me into a kiss. "Someone could see us." I said with a small laugh. "So what?" Kya kissed me again, this time a bit harder. I let my hands become tangled in her hair. We heard someone clear their throat behind us. Kya and I quickly created some distance between us, then we saw Asami. "I know it's none of my business, but you two are a lovely couple." She said. Before she would walk away, Kya grabbed her arm. "Asami-" "Your secret is safe with me." Asami said. "Thank you." I said. Asami walked away. Kya and I looked at each other and laughed. "We need to be a bit more careful." Kya said. "We?" I said. "You have seismic sense. We could've avoided that." Kya threw her arms around me. "Unless you wanted her to know." She said. "It is kind of nice having some people knowing about us." I said. Kya's eyes lit up and she smiled. "That doesn't mean I'm ready for everyone to know yet." I said. "I know, I know. I'm just happy that you're getting more comfortable with it." Kya said. "We should get going. You probably have to get back to Air Temple Island." I said. "Actually, I was hoping I could stay with you tonight." Kya smirked. "Oh, really?" I said. "Yeah, so I hope you have something fun planned." Kya winked. "Oh, I do." I moved my hands from her sides down and back to grab her butt. "Really? Like what?" Kya said. "I pulled her in closer and brought my lips up to her ear, kissing her neck on the way up. "Handcuffs."

I loved the feeling of waking up wrapped in a mix of blankets, and Kya's arm. And even though I'd never admit it out loud, I loved that she was the big spoon. I loved when she would give me small kisses throughout the night. I loved feeling her tighten her grip on me whenever I would move. And mostly, I loved- "Goodmorning." I turned my head and saw Kya looking at me. "Goodmorning." I rolled over on to my back. She leaned in and gave me a kiss. Kya rested her head on my chest, keeping her arms tightly wrapped around my neck. "When do you have to go home?" I asked her. "When do you want me to?" Kya looked up at me. "Never." I chuckled. "Well, if that doesn't give Tenzin the 'my sister is totally seeing someone' vibe, then I don't know what will." Kya joked. She gave me another kiss. "I like it when you do that." I said. "Good, cause I like doing it." Kya said before kissing me again.

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