"It's the best thing I've ever had! I don't know how you can beat this!" Eri replied happily as she took another sip.

Izuku took a sip of his own drink when he caught the low whisper of a girl at one of the other tables.

"Once the security system is down we'll have two hours to get in. After that it's all up to you Gentle to spread your message."

Izuku leaned back in his chair to try and hear the conversation better. He could hear the chuckle of a older man before his voice got dead serious.

"It's all thanks to you La Brava. UA is the perfect platform to show how powerful the underdogs are and it'll ruin the prestigious school's reputation even more. They still haven't been the same since those hero hunter incidents."

Izuku didn't even register what his body did. He slid his chair back and walked over to the other table. He slid up another chair and plopped down in between the confused duo while making sure to keep his head lowered.

"What do you know about the hero's hunters involvement in UA.?" Izuku asked coldly.

"Ha ha ha, I'm sorry young man but you must have heard me wrong and if you'll excuse us we must be on our way." The man replied as he started to stand up.

Izuku quickly reached out and grabbed the mans hand before slamming it back onto the table.

"Gentle!" The girl cried out.

"We're going to finish this conversation before you go anywhere. Got it?" Izuku asked as he raised his head to meet Gentles.

Izuku saw the color drain from his face as terror screamed from inside him.

"Wh—ho are you? Your f-f-file says deceased." Gentle stuttered.

"How do you know about that? How do you know anything about me?" Izuku asked as he tightened his grip.

"La Brava is a professional hacker. After she tapped into UA's system it was child's play for her." Gentle explained.

Izuku started to tighten his grin even further but stopped when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulder. He peered to his right and saw Eri looking at him with a worried look. Izuku let out a deep exhale before letting go of Gentle and leaned back into his chair.

"You're lucky she's here. I would've snapped your wrist for not complying." Izuku said as he lifted Eri into his lap.

"On the contrary. As scary as you are, we're the lucky ones to meet someone so influential." Gentle replied as he rubbed his wrist.

"Is that so? Then are you a follower of the quirkless movement?" Asked Izuku.

"I hate to inform you but we are not. Instead we are striving to be remembered in history. Have our names remembered long after we pass from this earth."

"So why do you look up to me?" Izuku asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"Is it not obvious? The name Hero Hunter is feared among all hero's and villains and looked up to by all who are not. Your name is forever going to be cemented into history."

"I'm not so sure about that. You see I was only trying to make this world a better place for all but I was on the opposite side of the law. So all of my work will be looked down upon." Izuku explained.

"Even so your name will live on, regardless of the connotation." Gentle retorted.

"Huh, I guess so. So back to what's important, your plan with UA."

"Oh right! I'm sure you already know about the cultural festival today and after some digging we found security to strengthened due to recent villain activity. If we were to simply infiltrate the school grounds, cause havoc, and get away unscathed then not only will we be remembered as the ones who infiltrated UA but also cause the people to question the nations top hero school." Gentle explained.

Izuku started as the man as he pondered with his thoughts.

"And?" Izuku asked.

"And? What do you mean and?" Gentle questioned with an angry tone.

"Your plan has no real meaning. It's all just for show. Instead of just going and dancing around try kidnapping a student, injuring a few hero's, take away someone's qui........"

Izuku stopped himself mid sentence. He slowly looked down at his pocket and eyed the outline of the container holding the specialized bullets. He reached into his pocket and slowly pulled out the container.

To have your name writing down in history? What a terrible drive but the plan could be changed. Imagine if society learned of an intrusion at UA that led to permanent damage on a student. And not caused by just any random person, but instead the dead hero hunter. It would shift everything. It would really throw hero society into chaos.

"Gentle I take back what I said. Your plan is amazing and I hope to see you on the news later. Eri let's go" Izuku said as he stood up with Eri.

"Wait you're just going to leave, after all that?" Asked La Brava.

"We are. And if you tell a single soul that you saw either of us here, I'll make sure it's the last thing you ever do." Izuku threatened as he walked away.

Izuku pushed his way through the door and felt Eri tug on his shirt.

"What was that all about?"

"I'll explain later Eri. Just know it's all going to be ok. I promise." Izuku said with a smile.

Eri hesitated for a second before nodding.

Izuku kept his smile on his face as he looked forward, but on the inside he was being torn apart.

She's never going to forgive me......neither of them will.

Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Academia x One Punch Man Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now