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My cat murdered a bird today-


The said boy slowly lifted his head to be met with Chan kneeling down in front of him. "What happened here?" His voice was filled with confusion, fear, and sadness

"Channie he killed them..." "Who?" "I-I don't know but Hyunjin, Changbin and Minho are... dead"

That's when the older looked around the room. Random objects were thrown everywhere and he noticed the two bodies, Changbin and Hyunjin, holding hands, yet not moving or breathing. The older pulled Jisung into a tight hug and they both silently cried, their tears mixing in a small puddle on the floor.

"Seungmin's gone too. I found him in the living room."

Chan's heart stung as he repeated what he saw earlier. He was planning on confessing to the younger on his birthday but Seungmin wouldn't even make it. Heck If this keeps up, none of them would celebrate his birthday.

"Sungie where's Jeongin?" "I don't know, he disappeared with a cloud of grey smoke." "Let's stick together from now on okay?" "Alright Channie..."

The two sat there, in eachothers arms quietly crying. Jisung broke the hug after a while and looked up at the older with teary eyes. "Channie are we ever going to leave this place and go hack home...?" Christopher paused for a moment before hesitantly nodding and put on a fake smile. "Yes Ji, we'll find Jeongin and leave. I promis-"

"It's not good to make promises you can't keep"

The two boys turned to where the voice came from but as usual, saw no one. And the air was, as usual, very very cold

Well this deffinetly not short chapter sucked-

Y'all i was making mini cookies but i accidentally burnt around 70 of them and am now left with only 55

Y'all i was making mini cookies but i accidentally burnt around 70 of them and am now left with only 55

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