Giddy up-The Boyz

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Jisung quickly opened his eyes and shot up from his bed, clearly startled by the sudden noise. His six friends all stood in his room, four staring at him in awe, while the other two burst out laughing at his messy hair and terrified expression. After all, he had just woken up

"Thank you?"

The birthday boy smiled brightly showing his pearly white teeth, despite his tired state, meanwhile the shortest of the group came and gave him a big hug and handed him the cake

"Thank you Binnie"
"No problem Sungie"

Jeongin, the youngest of the group, jumped onto Jisung's bed and planted a quick kiss on the older's cheek. "What was that for?" Jisung's cheeks turned a slight pink as the youngest giggled and hid behind a smirking Chan

"Alright so what are we doing for my birthday? At 10:30 at night?" Jisung looked at his friends skeptically

"I have the perfect plan for tonight but i'm going to need you to freshen up and change into warm clothes first"

"What is this 'perfect plan' you have Minho?"

"It's a secret, now go change!"

Jisung sighed and walked to the bathroom while the other boys went downstairs to wait. The birthday boy freshened up and changed into some black skinny jeans and a pastel blue warm hoodie, along with a bucket hat to finish the look. He made his way downstairs to see Seungmin, Hyunjin, Changbin and Minho playing games, while Chan and Jeongin were busy making dinner. See, the boys had come to get Jisung at 10:30 at night, when he had just managed to get to sleep. "Can someone pleaseeee tell me where we're going?" "Stop being so impatient Jisung!" Seungmin yelled back at him, and seconds after Hyunjin screeched incoherent words because Changbin had beaten him in mario kart

Minho walked over to Jisung and put an arm around the younger's shoulder. "All i'm going to say is you'll love it okay Sung?" "I don't know if i trust you after my last birthday..." "Right... sorry about that but i promise you'll love this one!"


The six boys were currently dragging a scared and disappointed Jisung up a small hill, towards an abandoned cabin to play 'hide and seek'

"Jisung come on pleaseeee" Jeongin looked at the older with adorable puppy eyes. He knew Jisung could never say no to him. "Fine but if i die-" "YAY! Thank you Ji!" And just like that, the younger put on a devilish grin as he helped Changbin drag Jisung, who was rethinking his whole life and how it had come to this

They arrived at the cabin and Hyunjin cautiosly opened the door, which creaked rather loudly, echoing all throuought the rather large place. "Oh the lights don't work, this makes it even bettter!" "Better?!" Jisung was ready to kick them all and run all the way back to Malaysia but Changbin had alreay carried him in

'BANG' the seven boys turned around, only to see the door had shut. They shrugged it off, and sat down in a circle on the floor

"Jisung you seek"


"Fine, i'll be the first seeker" Chan stood up and the others nodded, Jisung clinging to Jeongin, refusing to let go while they ran to hide. The two ended up in one of the kitchens, hiding in one of the surprisingly large cabinets, Jisung not once letting go of the younger's arm

This isn't so good right now but it'll hopefully get better.

I hope you enjoy~

I hope you enjoy~

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