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"Crying won't get you anywhere Han Jisung!"

The boy slapped himself as an attempt to stop the tears and get a grip but it didn't work. His eyes kept sweating as Minho's lifeless body lay next to him.

"And to think right now you could have been lying on your bed fast asleep but your friends made you come here"

Jisung's head snapped in the direction of the voice, only to be met with another cloud of grey smoke. "Where the hell are you?!" "Now it wouldn't be fun if i just told you would it? You have to play the game~" "If this is your idea of fun you're sick!" "Maybe i'm just a little lonely, i can't exactly speak to the spiders" "And what would you gain by keeping us here and murdering us?!"

Jisung felt a hand run up and down his spine and he flinched. He turned around but no one was there... The air was so cold.
The boy couldn't take it anymore. He ran out of the room and almost tripped over Minho's left leg but managed to stay standing

"You can't leave babyboy, you'll play my little game eventually"

Jisung ran to the front door and tried opening it, only for it to be locked. "Did i really think this would magically unlock?!" He had completely forgotten about the other boys, only remembering when a loud scream was heard, followed by another


The boy ran up the stairs and to the source of the sound only to see the couple laying lifeless with their hands intertwined. A knife was carelessly thrown in the room and landed right under their hands, just barely making a scratch

"Love... it's so pathetic"

Jisung felt another round of tears starting to fall as he started throwing things around the room, aiming to hit the source of the voice

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" "I have my reasons, and you haven't found me. Tick tock, the clock goes, time's running out in my big playhouse"

Everything got colder, and at that very moment, Jisung could have sworn he saw the most beautiful yet devilish grin he'd ever lay eyes on

Idk how to feel about this chapter- 👁 👄 👁

Idk how to feel about this chapter- 👁 👄 👁

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