Chapter 2: First Day

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   Who knows what they'll make me do at this school. Do they teach the same things as they did at the asylum? Guess I'll figure it out when I get there, for now, I gotta hide my features.

   As soon as I was done in the shower and doing my business, I packed everything up again, freshening up a bit in the process.

   I can't permit myself to use up my stamina until I ease into a schedule. Of course, that'll have to happen after I figure my life out and get used to it here.

   I thought to myself as I tucked my tail into my pants, throwing on my black and green, oversized Neko hoodie over my slim, skeletal-like body to cover my wings, and finally covering my horns and halo with my hood. I unlocked the stall door, grabbing my bags and my mask just before walking over to one of the marble sinks. I put my things down, focusing my attention on getting my mask on. After adjusting it a bit, my mask finally cooperated and stayed in place.

   Perfect. It's almost as if I'm another person. Well, at least a different person compared to back at the asylum.

   I puffed my chest a bit, chuckling to myself as I grabbed hold of my stuff and walked out of the washroom. I looked around a bit, still not quite used to the beautiful interior of the lush building. A few people stared at me as I strode into the premises. I wasn't expecting to have so much anxiety from just minding my own business. Strolling down the busy sidewalks, I didn't expect to see so much life here.

   I know it sounds silly, but I never really interacted with other people except for the people I met before I escaped from the battle. It's crazy how I even made it this far, I'm surprised that I'm not in another bad place.

   I kept on thinking about what would've happened if I had not escaped.

   Would I have died too? Would that even be possible, considering I'm the freak I am? Would I have been kidnapped, or worse? Wou-


   I bounced back a bit, not expecting my thoughts to be interrupted by what sounded like a girl screaming. My head was hung low, I grasped my bags even tighter than before. I didn't want to cause a ruckus so I just decided to walk on, hoping that the poor boy that shrieked basically in my ear wouldn't do anything.

   "Hey, aren't you going to say sorry?"

   A boy with a somewhat low voice asked me, gripping my arm.

   I broke out of his hold with ease, tutting before tilting my head to side-eye him.

   "I don't apologize to wimps who shrill like little girls."

   I threw a slight 'tsk' in his direction before walking off. His eyes grew wider, not expecting me to say what I did. I didn't even pay attention to what he looked like, all I did was a walk-on for a couple more minutes before resting a bit. I stopped at the stoplight, waiting patiently for my turn to walk across the street with the few people that were crowding the side-walk along with me. I looked up at the partly cloudy skies above me, then around at the buildings.
I saw birds flappy their wings vigorously, soaring through the skies as they went in with their lives.

   What a sight to see. All of the birds gathering together and thriving with each other. If animals can do it, why can't humanity for Christ's sake?

   I thought to myself, chuckling at the last part before continuing on my journey to Luna Novalina High. After crossing the street, I witnessed a woman on the sidewalk holding a cardboard sign. She was begging for a spare change of any kind, a small, broken plastic cup in her dirty, large hand. Her hands were covered in soot and dirt, dirt under her overgrown fingernails as well. Her hair was long, black and greasy, covered in filth.
Her clothes were ragged and worn all over, she had layers upon layers of torn rags all over her body. I strolled closer to the woman while everybody else scoffed, gave her dirty looks, and walked away. My eyebrows knitted together in disgust as some people spat on her. I even saw a woman hold her child closer and speed off as if she was in a hurry.

What Lies Beneath Her Mask (REWRITE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ