Going back...

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A sheet off white, it was like someone had covered my eyes with it or my mind I couldn't quite tell. All I knew was that I was walking into this sheet of whiteness and a figure was coming towards me. I peered in at the figure trying to see who it was, something dawned on me I recognized everything about this figure even the way it walks. Taken aback I stepped away from this figure "Hi" said the soft humble voice from the figure. "Your meant to be dead" I replied feeling the memories of sadness and despair come back, "Yes I'am dead, I'm on the other side" the figure said smiling weakly at me. "Then how can I see you? Speak to you even?" I questioned, "all will be answered in time just go back to where you last saw me" the figure said as It turned around and walked off into the distance. Mesmerized I spoke "wait!wait" I cried out but the figure didn't respond as it had all ready gone. "Lily! Come on wake up" shouted a voice from all corners of the whiteness "What? Who's there?" I shouted back twisting and turning my head. "Come on" said the voice again letting in a volt of electricity, my knees collapsed sending my body down to the floor of whiteness. I lay there unable to get back up something was holding me down forcing me to answer the callings of my name.

I gasped letting in a ton of air it fluttered around my body filling up my lungs. My heart started beating going into the steady rhythm, my arms and legs tingled with movement. My ears filled up with all the sounds from people, noises then the whiteness that surrounding me started fading and fast. Then blackness came my eyes flickered catching a glimpse of the outside world, but then shut quickly. I tried again harder forcing them to stay open they did. I was in a bed with blankets wrapped around me on either side Nathen and Ethan were sat with there heads in there hands, then at the bottom of my feet over the bed stood Blake starring at me and smiled wickedly as he said "Welcome back Lily" at that instant Nathen and Ethan look at me in union. Outside the sun was blazing into the room it looked so peaceful out there the trees were swaying and birds were chattering to each-other. I looked around again there was a small old looking radiator at the back of the room, and bright lights flickered above me. I moved my arms around touching my head and legs to see if I was all there in one piece, a sharp pain came from my arm that jolted my whole body. There was a tiny tube into my arm leading up to a machine that beeped showing the steady flow of my heartbeat. I was wired up higher up on my arm was a blue checkered nightie, god I looked like an old granny. "Thank god your okay" said Nathen grabbing my hand tightly, "me too" said Ethan taking my other hand in his. "Aw damn you guys got all the hands guess I'll just hold onto your foot" spoke Blake mockingly.

"What happened?" I asked taking my hands away from them and folding my arms across my chest. "You got attacked according to Natriece". My mind flashed back to that night all I could remember was something hitting me from behind, on my back then the screams it all went fuzzy. "Where were all of you? I thought that all of you cared for me... obviously I was wrong" I bit back at all of them, I don't care if I sounded mean they deserved it, I was waiting for death and where were they? Shows who my real friends are. "I..." said Blake standing there with his sparkling eyes, they could put you in a trance. "I what? You know I was going to give up because I had no one hear me? NO ONE" I shouted at them, the monitor on the screen beeped loudly showing an increase in heart rate. "I'm sorry" said Ethan the first person to actually apologize to me, he reached over and took my hand and looped his fingers between mine. The monitor went even faster I don't know why but I felt a tingle all over my hand where his fingers are, it travelled all the way to my stomach making my stomach twist and turn. "I'm sorry too" Blake spoke out from the rapid heart beating, "it's okay just all of you be there next time for me, or else" I warned at them, they all nodded and smiled, I looked back at Ethan "I need you to take me somewhere today" I announced to him.

"No he shook his head you need your rest" I pulled out my hand from his tight hold, "please I pleaded to him, I have to go" there was no choice in the matter I needed to go where I last saw.."Where?" he sighed heavily cutting me off from my trail of thoughts. "Back to a small town in England called Woodshire" I proposed to him, he looked at me with his big blue eyes the only way to tell him apart from Nathen was that Ethan's eyes were filled with sadness but Nathen's were always bright and, you could see a twinkle in them. "I'm coming too" stated Nathen "don't forget me" said Blake also. Tracing my fingers down to the tube which was ridged into my skin, I grabbed hold of it tightly and pulled pain went all up my arm, and a slight drop of blood fell down my arm. Within a spilt second I looked up all three of them had little veins under there eyes, and had a tense look splattered across each of there faces...

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