Please don't judge me

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I turned to face Ethan "you told me that vampires cannot come in" a puzzled look had entered my face. "That's why I'm here sweetie" spoke a woman's voice, she stepped into my view. She was a fragile old woman, and smiled warmly brightening up her whole face. She had dark wispy hair and grey eyes that look straight through you. "What are you?" I questioned I wasn't trying to be rude but she was so fragile and yet she was stood in a room full with vampires or so I thought and seemed perfectly happy. "Come with me dearie" she said, and headed towards the cream door, she limped along putting more weight onto her one foot than the other. I got up and followed no one stopped me, just made an path instead to the door. She headed towards a door in the far corner which I had not noticed before. That's when it hit me, it was like a sense of coldness and like someone had placed fear in my mind. I hadn't noticed it before because I was so focused on finding Ethan. But it was there the coldness, her tiny little hand that had bright blue veins circling it opened the door. It opened with a loud groan, and she crept in. I carried on walking towards it, it was a small room another bedroom but this time it had an balcony that what grabbed my attention first. The old lady opened up the double doors which lead onto the balcony and stepped out. She pulled her shoulders back forcing her back to straighten and it clicked in several places and she beckoned me with a small finger to come out.

I reached her and gripped onto the steel iron rails, trees covered this part of the house every inch. It was practically invisible, the branches on the trees weaved in and out the other trees trying to push there branch closer the sun. It was like a competition yet you don't see it unless your starring like a creep. Like me. "Are you okay?" her voice startled me, I totally forgot she was there, I turned to face her she reminded me so much of my own grandma she had the same hair and eyes, but my grandma passed away a couple of years ago. It torn the family in half, we all had this small hole in our heart that never got filled...I blinked back a couple of times to get rid of the tears that were forming it always upset me thinking about my grandma but sometimes I could'nt help it, she'd just appear. "Yes-s" I stuttered, "I knew your mother she replied and starred out into the distance she was so beautiful in her time but yet there was this dark side to her that would step into the light sometimes. It was horrible when it did she was unpredictable your mother that's why she's dangerous"

"I didn't know that but what are you?" I questioned again, I wanted to change the topic. Even though my mother threatened to kill me she was still my mother. Some parts of me just wanted to go running back to her, and have her wrap me in her arms and let me take deep breathes of her favourite perfume. Dreams. " An old witch" she replied. "Wow" I just about struggled to say, she didn't look like one, just an friendly old woman. "I know what your thinking hunny I don't look like one I know. But don't judge people on looks sweetie it's the worst a human can do" she replied and pushed back and turned around and went the way she came.

I didn't move after her there was no point, the sun had dissapeared and all that remained was dark clouds. There was a chill in the air but I stayed, it was nice being out on my own I get to think. About all that had happened over the past couple of days my life had changed so much, but I could never go back it... Cold hands sneaked around my eyes and my mouth interupting my thoughts. I let out a scream under the cold fingers that were firmly across my mouth. Hoping that someone anyone had heard me, the fingers tightend there grip. Taking my chance I bit down as hard as I could on the finger. "Ow" yelped Nathen quickly bringing his hands back to him. "You see that's why you should never sneak up on a girl your fault" shrugging my shoulders. "No it wasn't my fault, it was yours and your sharp teeth could have killed me there!" his voice went higher, I still had my back to him no way was I gonna turn around to him. "Aw twilight boy I didn't realise I'm like ever so sorry...Oh wait I'm not" I grinned inside oh boy was I good. "Your mean" he replied and went to my side, "Well done, sherlock I'm proud" I tilted my head at him.. He was even good looking in the dark, fidding about with his lush oh so lush blonde hair he snapped back "And cocky too".

"Aw keep it up and I may have to give you a medal" my voice filled with sarcasm. "Very funny!" he answered back. "I know I was born that way see" "Okay whatever you say he winked at me. I have a suprise for you tomorrow that you might like" he stepped back and within an instant I was alone again. To my own thoughts, wow this is become quite regular. I took off my hands from the iron bar they were now pink with coldness moving them about I went into the bedroom and shut the double doors. Tight. The double bed was right in front of me so tempting, well seeing as no vampires have said there sleeping there I might as well go to sleep. Taking off the now brown shoes and pulling back the fresh coverers I climbed into bed letting the softness wrap around me and slowly closed my eyes. What I didn't know was that while I slept Nathen snuck in and watched me sleep. He stood there waiting for every breath to come and go. He stayed there watching me yet I didn't know.

My dream was rapid. My mind cast me back when I was younger to a scence. My mother had just found out that her mother had died. My grandma. It was a warm summer day and all the flowers were at there highest peek of blooming, in all different shades of colours it really was magical. I was sat on a wooden chair and eating my food while watching my mother pick up the phone in the hallway. There was a mirror however just at the right height to see everything that, went on in the hallway. That's when I saw it the smile it slapped across her face. But her voice was trying to sound sad it was going "really?" and "wow that is terrible I'll have to tell the kids" but the smile stayed there. As soon as she hanged up the phone her face dropped and returned to a sad pose. She came inside the kitchen and told me and my younger sister that grandma had died. I was little at the time and I could never put it together till now. Sweat formed in little circles on my forehead and dripped down, I sat upright forcing my eyes to open. I didn't want to see this it was too hard. I let out a gasp of breath trying to slow down my heart-beat, it was getting faster I needed it to slow down. The door burst open and Nathen rushed to my side on the bed. It calmed me seeing him but that didn't hold back the tears. He didn't say a word like as if he knew what was going on in my dream, and rocked me till I was okay again. It was comforting and sweet, and I managed to go to sleep again...

A thud hit my bed "Ow" wailed a familiar voice. One eye opened and then shut again all I did see was a mass of a boy and a girl. I opened both this time and there infront of me was Blake and Natriece...

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