Date or dateless?

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The words kept going round and round my head. I went out with him, I dated him. He said that I use to be his girlfriend did he get bored and go for my sister? But how could I been going out with him before I don't remember anything but it would be so much easier if I could.. But still I had grown on him these's days and if he asked me out I think I might say yes but now I don't know..Who am I kidding I'm just 17 years old. "We don't tell anyone what we found out" I said to Ethan after he whisked me back to the house. We had said our goodbyes to Annabell and she promised to stay good so that our mother won't go after her to. But also to find out some things for me.

"Lily I already knew" Ethan replied, I turned to face him I wasn't sure how much more disappointment I could take. "But..why couldn't you told me yourself?" I asked it seemed strange him wanting to get me to tell my sister. "Forget it Lily I'm not telling you" and strolled off into the house. I seriously feel like slapping him, is he like on his man period or something. Forget it Lily like who does he think he is? I stormed into the house and went up the  spiral stairs hitting Nathen on the shoulder on the way. "Hey, hey what's up with you?" he asked his voice full of concern. "Oh nothing I was just cold that's all" I lied, and smiled sweetly at him. "Oh okay well go and get changed there's something up there and come down then you'll get your surprise" he smiled back nudging me upwards. I smiled at him and carried on walking up the stairs within moments my smile had turned into a scowl. I was still angry but I needed to get him vulnerable then say what I found out. Turning at the last step I noticed my door leading to the bedroom I slept in was slightly ajar. My mind raced back and forward trying to come up with an answer to why it was like that but nothing came, I stepped in seeing Natriece bouncing on the bed. "Look at the dress that was left here!" she squealed in delight, in her bare hands she held a dark blue silky dress. I went over examining the dress it was in my size just above the knee. "You've like got to try it on or I will" Natriece said. I took it out of her hands and went over to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. There was a mirror above the basin, I looked so pale and let out a sigh my green eyes weren't sparkling anymore..

I walked back out to where Natriece was she turned to see me but her facial expression came across shocked. Surely I didn't look that bad, yeah the material clung to my sides but still no need to look shocked. "OMG" she spoke still starring, "OMG what? I know I look like a fool" dropping my gaze to the floor and grasping my hands together I instantly felt ugly. It didn't suit me who was I kidding wearing something like this "You look like a princess, it suits you" she assured me. "Really?" my hands dropped to my sides in one swift motion, "Yes now wear theses shoes and get down there to him!" she ran over to the bag that was next to the bed and pulled out a pair of black shiny high heels she placed them down on the soft carpet. I put one foot in first grabbing onto Natriece's hand for support. Heels and me don't really mix well "how do I look?" I asked wobbling away from Natriece. She laughed "Great now go" she ushered at me. I headed towards the door feeling my feet were going to give away any moment. I grasped onto the chest of drawers and carried on it felt better with support. Pushing my self off at the edge for a boast I quickly held my body at the wall so I don't stumble into the door. I could hear Natriece laughter filling the room as pulled the door open and carefully closed it behind. Just as I shut the door several vampires all came out of a room to my right, they all looked different weather it was height, hair colour or weight. As soon as they all saw me they smiled politely, I smiled back friendly and made my way towards the stairs. Now this is going to be hard I thought as stepped onto the first stair out of many, I gripped onto the banister and didn't let go.  

There at the bottom of the stairs was Nathen in a tuxedo he turned as he saw me. It was as if everything was gone for a moment and it was only us my feelings of hatred, anger and suffering had disappeared I wanted to cling onto the moment with every breath I had. But instead I took a deep breath and reminded myself what I had to do, but he took my breath away something was different about him. "You look beautiful" he spoke as I reached the bottom, "Thanks" I replied and grabbed his arm for support he didn't move he just kept starring at me. I felt slightly uncomfortable his blue eyes go straight through you to the very depths and every corner of you. "So you got me all fancy and you are too where are we going?" I asked wanting him to stop starring. "My favourite restaurant I think you'd like it" he smiled widely and started walking, my legs suddenly went with him also.

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