Chapter 21: A stranger's advice

Start from the beginning

"What does it matter to you anyway? You're only a manipulative chick who thinks she is so much better than everyone else. But the only reason you're doing this is because you're scared. I saw the way you looked at Deana at day one. You think she's a challenge. You think she's better than you because you saw the way other boys looked at her. You knew she was dating Jason. Then you broke them up, hoping that maybe he'll date you. Well, let me tell you, he's dating...someone else. You don't like that because you want everyone's attention on you, do you? Anyways, step away from my locker, miss Hart." I folded my arms and waited for her to step aside or something. 

But instead, Myra stared at me with wide eyes and a shocked expression on her face. After she recomposed her expression, she rolled her eyes and reluctantly walked away from me. I put in my locker combination and took my Biology and Chemistry textbooks from my locker before slamming it shut. I turned around, ready to head off to my Chemistry class but stopped when I found all the cheerleaders standing behind me. What? Did Myra sent them to me to beat me up or something? Because I could easily just scream help and plus, my locker was just next to the teacher's lounge. 

"We saw how you stood up to Myra." One of the cheerleaders said to me. "We would like you to be our cheer captain instead of her." Was I hearing them right? Maybe they were joking and they were going to laugh any minute. But they didn't. "We're serious. She has been treating us like dirt, but expecting us to treat her like some kind of queen. I mean, even Deana didn't do that." The same cheerleader who spoke to me rolled her eyes. 

"I'll think about it." I told them. I had to discuss this with Deana first. I mean, Deana wanted to be cheer captain as badly as Myra did. Plus, the cheerleaders did mention that Deana treated them better than Myra did. Maybe they were willing to have Deana back as their captain. 


"Alison, this is Ken. Ken, this is Alison." I stood there, staring at the good-looking guy in front of me. As Deana introduced us to each other, I can't help but compare him to Jason. He had great looks, but he just wasn't Jason. 

"Nice to meet you." Ken smiled and shook hands with me. 

"Okay now that you have met, you can keep each other company! Bye!" I knew it. The minute Deana finished her sentence, she dragged poor blonde Oliver to the Ferris wheel, leaving Ken and I in an awkward situation. He gave me a sheepish look before suggesting to get some food. I wasn't in the mood to eat anything, but since Ken was being a nice guy, I just went along. 

"You don't seem to be having fun.." I turned to face Ken who was looking at me with curiosity. I gave a long-frustrating sigh and gave him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I was actually forced into this.. You're a nice guy and all, I'm sorry I'm ruining your fun." I apologized to him. He chuckled and ruffled my hair like I was a little kid. 

"It's alright, Alison. But you look like you need someone to talk to. Come on, we'll get some fries and then you can talk to me about it the hay stack over there." He pointed over to the haystack right outside the Hall Of Mirrors. I nodded in agreement and went over to the long line of people who were waiting for get fries. 

By the time it was my turn, fifteen minutes had passed and I was feeling annoyed. "There you go, miss." The person handed me my fries and I grabbed it, not bothering to say thank you. I knew that was a bit rude of me, but I was waiting for fifteen minutes just for food! Ken was already at the haystack waiting for me. When he saw me, he waved at me to go over to him. I sighed and went over, handing him his share of the fries. 

"What took you so long?" 
"It's a long line."
"Okay, Miss Sourface, spill your problems out. Trust me, I have my own complicated problems too." He smiled and lay down on the hay, relaxing himself. I stared at him, wondering how he could be so relaxed when he said he had complicated problems. Please don't tell me I'm stuck with those happy-go-lucky kind of guy. 

"I'm dating my best friend, Jason. Then all of a sudden my mom wants me to marry this rich boy who just moved here. I haven't spoken to Jason ever since." I handed Ken the leftover fries and folded my arms, leaning against the hay. Ken sat up and wrapped an arm around me, giving me an encouraging smile. 

"Your current situation isn't really that complicated, Alison. I have a friend named Will who is in love with a girl named Fleur. Something bad happened to Fleur so her family moved to New York and Will forgotten his memory. By the time he remembered everything, she was gone. You wanna know what happens next?" Somehow his friend's sad tale had caught my attention. That was more sad than my story. Losing the person you loved most, that was really heart-breaking. 

"Continue already!" 
"Well, his a rich kid thanks to his dad. So he took over his dad's company in New York, hoping for a chance he might see Fleur again. But something an arranged marriage got in the way, so he's supposed to marry someone else."
"That is so complicated! So what happened to the both of them?"
"I'm not very sure, Alison. I'm heading to New York tomorrow to see them."

All of a sudden, his pocket started vibrating. He fished out his phone and I saw a grin appearing on his face when he answered. "Hey babe...I'm just two hours away...I'll be back before eleven...I love you too, Polly...goodnight." Whoever Polly was, she was lucky to have a great listener like Ken. 

"Who's that? Your girlfriend?" 
He shook his head and I saw the happiest smile on him. "She's my fiance."
"Oh! Congratulations!" I was genuinely happy for him. Just by looking at him smiling, you could tell that he really loved this Polly person. Like she meant the world to him. It was nice to see people in love, once in awhile.

"Enough about me, I want you to go find Jason and tell him you love him." He gave me a serious look, like he meant business. He was right. I helped myself up and brushed off the hay on my clothes before smiling at him. 
"Thanks Ken. For everything."
"Just remember my words. When you love someone, you'll do anything to be with them." His words hit me like a truck. Those were the exact same words the old lady in Paris had told me. It could be a coincidence, right? 

Not wasting anymore time, I checked my watch as I started running, heading towards the Carters' house. I looked at the dark clouds and prayed that it won't start pouring because I didn't have enough money to get a cab. After five minutes of running, drops of rain had soaked my shirt and shorts. Hopefully the water wasn't enough to ruin my phone. 

When I reached the Carters' household, I was completely soaked and I was very sure that I was going to be sick the next day. After ringing the doorbell for almost the hundredth time, the door finally swung open and Jason was standing there, staring at me like I've just grown two heads or something. Without anymore hesitation, I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. I never want to let him go ever again, he was mine. 

"I love you..." 


Yeah people be grateful for the long chapter! xD Anyways, in case you have NO IDEA who Ken, Polly, Fleur or Will are, they are my old characters in 100 days. For those who remember them, GOOD FOR YOU! :) 

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