Chapter 32: The Date

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Falling in love is the single most expressive feeling a person can have. Losing that love suddenly, can be the most painful feeling a person can have. 

32. - The Date


          After an hour of ice-skating, most of us were exhausted and hungry. I couldn't count how many times Jamie had complain about her hunger. Getting tired of her constant complains, I suggested to everyone that we could head back to my place to grab some lunch. But Keith suggested that we should continue our celebration at an italian restaurant. Heaving a sigh, I reluctantly followed after the group as they dashed towards the car. 

          "It's not that bad." Jason whispered to me when he saw my unpleased look. I've just taken a bite of the meatball from my spaghetti and it honestly tasted terrible. It tasted like a mixture of dried grass and unfresh meat. I reluctantly swallowed it and narrowed my eyes at Jason. 'Not that bad'? Was he serious? 

          "Oh? Try this then." I said, shoving a meatball into his mouth with my spoon. I felt his shoulders tensed as he spitted it out. The waitress gave him a disapproving look before walking away, obviously offended by him. 

          "Okay, I take that back." He said, putting both his hands up in surrender. "You're not the only one who isn't liking the food, though." He pointed over to where Myra was sitting and my eyes followed to her direction. 

          Her eyes were completely fixed on her food as she used her fork to poke her meatball occasionally. Keith, who was sitting beside her, glanced at her from time to time. And if my eye sight wasn't wrong, I saw him smiled at her too. My eyes widened as I realized what was going on. I excused myself from the table before pulling Keith by the sleeve towards the bathroom. 

          He looked at me curiously while being pulled. "What's up?" He asked, trying to sound casual when we stopped right in front of the bathroom. I bet if anyone saw us, they would think we were insane while having a conversation in front of the loo. "Alison, make it quick. Myra is probably lonely at the table." 

          "Myra Myra Myra. You like her, don't you?" I asked him, getting straight to the point. Oh great Alison, you just made things awkward for you and Keith. Keith hung his head low as he fixed his gaze on the floor, refusing to meet my gaze. "I think you guys would look cute together." 

           Keith looked at me, surprised. "I don't know, she looks so fragile and small, I just feel like protecting her, you know?" I nodded anyways, even though I didn't really know because I was always the one who was being protected. "What if she doesn't want to be protected?" 

          I remembered when I was fourteen, I was so convinced that I was a big girl, that I didn't need anyone's company. I went to this little theatre near my street at night, which was probably the most stupid thing I've done so far. After the movie ended, it was already close to midnight and I was foolish enough to not even be scared of walking alone. There was a guy who looked about thirty who asked me if I wanted to follow him home, that he would give me something nice to eat. He started to drag me towards his car, I knew I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Jason following me the whole time. He saw what was going on and immediately threatened to call the police. Basically, the guy took off and I've never seen him since that night. 

          I didn't want to be protected, but I needed to be. 

          So I smiled at Keith and patted his shoulder. "Every girl wants a guy to sweep her off her feet. Even if she shuts you out now, she'll slowly warm up to you if you be patient." I told him as the both of us slowly went back to join the others. 

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