Chapter 11: New Comfort

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So this chapter is dedicated to Burntherhythm for being supportive by reading most of my stories. The last chapter's number of votes were good and I'm seriously hoping that this chapter would be better :) In case you guys don't know, Ashley would be reading stories here using the account xxxLoveWriterxxx 

- Jackie

Chapter 11: New Comfort


     Summer went by quickly enough. It was the same thing every day, Alison would get up early in the morning and would disappear for the rest of the day with her guitar and return only late at night. I never seen her going out or coming in anymore and soon I just got used to not seeing her. When it was time to head back to our normal lives, Alison didn't talk or look at me the whole ride home. I tried making small conversations and the most I got from her was a nod. She wouldn't look at me. I didn't blame her though, if I were her, I wouldn't look at me either. 

     Soon we returned back to our old boring lives, me living next door while the guys lived with her. Deana visited me more after summer and she even had a tan. 


     I felt empty. Maybe I was overreacting a bit, but sometimes I just couldn't control myself. The boys, except for John knew something was up but I hadn't bother to tell them. Jason was their friend, so he would tell them eventually, right? 

     It was Monday morning and the start of Autumn. The beautiful leaves that once covered the trees started to fall, leaving them bare. Autumn was my favorite season so that cheered me up a bit. The room was dark so instead of turning the lights on, I went to the window and pulled back the curtains. Opposite my window was His room. He looked at me at the same time I him. "Morning." I decided to say. He looked surprised at first but then quickly recovered. "Morning." He greeted me back before leaving an awkward silence between us. We were staring at each other, not saying anything. 

     His gaze dropped to my shirt. Ever since we proposed the truce during one of the summer nights, I had been using his shirt when I sleep. Maybe it was the smell that caught my attention, or maybe I just miss his company and wouldn't admit it. I gulped before taking the risk by asking, "Can we get a ride to school?" Once again, the surprised look was on his face. He nodded without answering. 

     "Well, I'm going to change. See you." I said before disappearing into my bathroom. After brushing my teeth and cleaning up myself sleepy look, I tied my hair into a ponytail before putting on some clothes. Grabbing my bag, I went downstairs where the others were already busy consuming food into their hungry stomachs. 

     "Morning, Alison!" All three of them chorused. I smiled at them before filling up my bowl with my favorite cereal. As I was munching on the cereal, I decided to listen to their conversation. 

     "Guys, a new kid just moved into town. He's probably going to our school." Neil told the three of us. 
     "Where do you get all the gossips, man?" Jay asked. Neil just shrugged and smiled.
     "I got ears everywhere. Anyways, I'm off to school. I can't wait to see how everyone changed over the summer. Or...didn't change." His flickered to me. I raised an eyebrow at him. What did he meant?

     "Neil's right. Let's go before we're late."


     The whole car ride was awkward and silent at the front seat. While the boys were at the back seat complaining about school, I was stuck with the front seat next to Jason. The both of us avoided eye contact and kept our mouths shut. The only reason why I felt awkward was because he had kissed a girl in front of me and because I had just confessed to him accidentally at the beach. I couldn't face him so I disappeared from the beach during the morning and come back at night during the summer. Now that summer was over, I knew I had to face him sooner or later. 

     As Jason parked at the parking lot, I found Deana standing crossed-arm, facing us. She didn't look too happy with me and the other boys in his car. She hated me even more when Jason joined my club. "What is she doing here?" Deana pointed at me accusingly. For days, I haven't talk much but I would never miss the opportunity to talk back to Deana. 

     "Obviously going to school. Unlike you who is trying to get guys in your dirty hands only." I rolled my eyes and walked away quickly. Oh, I was so going to be hated. 

     Out of nowhere, I felt an impact on my left shoulder and I fell straight to the ground with an 'oof'. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I was about to say I was okay since it didn't hurt much, but I stopped frozen when I looked at the person who helped me up. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. His eyes were beautiful and he had a cute smile. 

     "I'm alright. Are you?" 
     "Yeah I am. Sorry for being clumsy, I'm just nervous. It's my first day here at Remmington High." He gave me an apologetic look. Oh! He was the new kid Neil was talking about.
     "Oh..hey, what's your name?" I smiled at him.
     "Keith Westwood. I'm sorry, I'm supposed to go to the administrator's office to get my schedule."

     "I'll take you there." I offered and he gave me a cute smile. He wasn't the 'hot guy' type, he was more of the 'cute guy' type. He wasn't like the other guys in our school who were mostly mean to other people. Keith here was actually friendly. The administrator was actually quite happy to give him his schedule when he politely asked for it. Not many people in our school were liked by the administrator. 

     "Hey, I haven't ask for your name!" We were right outside of his biology class when the both of us remembered that I hadn't told him my name. 
     "Alison. Alison Walker."
     He smiled again. "I'll remember that name," he said before disappearing into his classroom.


     "I tell you, the new kid is cute!" I overheard a girl whispering to her friend when she was in the bathroom. I was in one of the stalls and I couldn't help but listen into their conversation. Soon, the topic changed and it was something I wished I didn't hear either. 

     "Have you heard of the rumor?" 
     "Which one?"
     "The one about Jason Carter." Her voice soften but I could still hear everything, plain as day.
     "Yeah. Apparently he cheated on Deana during the summer, right? Did you know that girl he cheated with is my boyfriend's cousin?"
     "I kind of pity Deana though. Even though she's mean and all, she didn't deserve to be cheated like that." 

     Deep down, I was mad. Mad at three people. I was mad at Sapphire for kissing Jason. I was mad at Jason for not pushing her away, even though he didn't kiss her back. I was mad at myself for getting emotional over that small matter. 

     After hearing the two girls leaving the bathroom, I got out and splashed water on my face. I stopped when I heard the sound of faint crying. "Hello?" I called out. I recognized the crying of course. I knew her voice very well. "Are you okay, Deana?" 

     The door opened and she was standing there. Her mascara was already running down her cheeks, her eyes were red and puffy from the crying. Basically she looked like crap. "Let's get you clean, Deana." 


All About UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora