Chapter 10: NUISANCE.

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    There was absolute silence between the two as Lan Zhan and Wei Wuxian made way to the library to get on with their punishment. School was already over but they were held back by the teacher to further teach them a lesson. Wuxian constantly quickened his steps to meet with Lan Zhan's who spared him no attention at all. Wuxian kept close as he didn't know where the library was, it being one of the places he didn't need to go in his spare time.

     It didn't take long for then to arrive and Lan Zhan presumably settled himself in the corner of the deserted room, took out his pen and began writing on the huge paper scrolls they had been given. Wuxian followed Lan Zhan's movements, taking a seat opposite him and  began his work. Well, tried to...... He didn't exactly know all the school rules by hand so most of the time he looked over at Lan Zhan's work and copied them one by one. They were about on their 20th rule when Wuxian dropped his pen dramatically and laid his head on the table.

    “Ughhhh! I'm so bored already!!! How do they expect us to do this 100 times over?! This doesn't even make sense! Lan Zhan, how about we just leave secretly and go home. There's no need to do this ridiculous punishment.” Wuxian suggested after his whining. Lan Zhan threw him a sharp glance suggesting Wuxian to shut up or else.

    “I am not interested. And again, it's against the rules to talk in the library so keep quiet.”Lan Zhan responded, maintaining his recluse posture of writing.
  Wuxian rolled his eyes at his response. This guy was downright stubborn.
“Fine! You and your damn rules!! Well, you can stay here all you want. I'm going home.” Wuxian said as he picked up his things and stood up to leave.

   “You walk out that door and I will tell the teacher that you left when she comes to check on us. Do not expect me to cover for you.” Lan Zhan simply stated, continuing with the punishment steadily.

  “Lan Zhaaaaaaan!! Why are you being like this!? Can't you be on my side even once?! We are classmates for goodness sake!” Wuxian complained as he flopped on the floor.

“Not if you are doing the wrong thing. Classmate or not.” Lan Zhan returned.

   'Ahuuuuyyu, so annoying!!'  Wuxian thought to himself as he grabbed his pen and paper and set on with the task. No further conversation went on as Wuxian roughly scribbled his words and Lan Zhan put it down one by one. It was a few moments after that Wuxian realised he was completely alone with Lan Zhan, therefore this was a chance for him to get to know him more.

    “Heyy Lan Zhan since we are here together why don't we get to know each other. Build up our friendship.” Wuxian gleefully mentioned as he scooted his chair closer.

“Not interested.” Lan Zhan replied not even looking up from his paper.

    “Ohhh, don't be like that. I'll start so that you get the gist of things. Mhhh, my favourite colours are black and red. Yours?”

    His question went unanswered as Lan Zhan ignored him and went on.

“Ok, maybe you don't have any favourite colour but you look like a grey/silver kind of guy to me. How about food? I absolutely love lotus roots and pig's feet stew, you?”


“Maybe you also don't have any favourite foods then. Ok then........what about hobbies? Everyone has a hobby. What's yours Lan Zhan? Mine are basketball, playing the flute and martial arts training. I really enjoy those alot. Do you play any instruments or have any pets? Ohhh! What's your favourite animal? I personally don't have one but my worst animal is the dog. I hate those things. Do you have a worst animal or siblings? I have none. In fact, I'm an orphan but I currently live with my uncle and aunt and we recently lived here to.......”

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