Chapter 6: About the Past

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to apologize to me. You obviously didn't steal it, right?" he asked as he glanced at me.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered out nervously.

"Then, you don't have any reason to feel guilty. You're innocent. Also, none of you have any evidence either, so you can't prove my client is guilty. Your honor, my client is innocent!" Miles shouted strongly as everyone was stunned.

Heck, even I was speechless. After that, the four of us were friends. Well, the five of us, but Dahlia took some time to warm up to us. We were all close friends. We did everything together after that. Miles was always so smart, he listened to others, knew what to do, and never gave up in finding the innocence in others. I couldn't believe it! He was such an awesome friend! However, his father was killed, and Miles was taken away from us. I tried to reach out to him, but nothing I did to reach out to him ever worked. Then, as I got into college, I heard about Miles, but he was a completely different person from the one I knew before. He was a cold-hearted demon prosecutor who would fabric testimony, hide evidence, and change reports. I knew that couldn't be the Miles I knew! I know he's nothing like that! I have to help him, no. I have to save him! I am the only one who can do that!

"So, that's pretty much it" I confessed to Makoto who starred at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, so that's why you became a lawyer. That really confused me. I thought it was because of what Dahlia did to you, but this makes much more sense" Larry said as he nodded his head.

I rolled my eyes at that statement. I really don't want to talk about her now. Luckily, Makoto didn't catch onto that statement.

"So, that's why. You wanted to help your friend, Miles. That's impressive" he said surprised.

"Well, I also couldn't forget that feeling of being alone and just being called guilty either. I didn't want anyone else to feel like that. I wanted to be there for others who had no one else at their side" I added with a grin, "No one should feel guilty for something they didn't do"

Makoto's eyes began to brighten up as I grinned at him and scratched the back of my neck.

"Now, I've got more of a reason to prove that I can be the Ultimate Lawyer! I'll work harder to prove it and help you!" Makoto exclaimed as he stood up and went to work on the case files.

I smiled at him. Well, he's determined at least.

"Man, you really carry about Edgy, don't you buddy?" Larry asked with a smirk.

"W-well, yeah! He's in pain, and I know I can help him! So, I am going to help him!" I shouted back at him defensively.

"Whatever man. You always have to help others whether they ask for it or not. I'll never understand that. Oh! Right! Do you want to hang out after work? I know a great bar!" Larry exclaimed excitedly.

I am so grateful that he is a scatter brain for once.

"Maybe. I do have a lot of work to do, Larry. I have a job after all" I said to him as I went back to my desk to look over the file I was given.

I've got to work hard. I am so close. Close to saving you, Miles. I grinned at the thought of his name and then went back to work as Larry sighed and flopped back onto the couch.

(Mia's POV)

Gourd Lake, Forest Path

December 16th, 2:04 PM

I knew Diego wanted to spend some time with me, but I can't image why he would want to take a walk in the middle of winter! We were walking along the shore of Gourd Lake down on the forest path. The trees were barren, and snow had fallen along the path. The lake was barely frozen. Also, there was no one here. Not even the birds were here.

The Turnabout of Hope Book 1: Establishing the Truth in Our LivesWhere stories live. Discover now