Chapter 4 - Clint secret

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Hope POV

"Just wish I could do something." Clint mumbled, brushing the hair out of my face as we were cuddled up together in bed.

"I don't know if this is gonna be a normal pregnancy." I admitted. "What makes you say that?" He asked.

It was quiet for a moment as I was staring off into space. "Maybe it's a vampire baby, rapid growth. Maybe this baby will come out quicker. Being an Alpha daughter doesn't help its case either." I explained.

He was rubbing my back to soothe me. "I'm sure it's a healthy normal baby, Hope... we must think of the positive side about this."

I slowly lifted my head up, staring into his blue orbs. "We had sex once.... Clint."

After saying that, it is like something just dawned on him. Seeing his facial expression change. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What if the reason why you're pregnant is because I'm your mate."Explain a bit more..."A female wolf fertility is VERY high when mating with your mate for the first time. What if, and despite this being scientifically confusing or possible. That you only became pregnant due to being destined with me and carrying on the heir, which is probably what happened with your grandmother since she was beta and the only child."

"So you think that no other men can impregnate me? Well, ain't that a theory, Clint!"It is possible, I mean I-" Clint suddenly cut himself off, realising what was about to spew out his mouth. "You what?" I questioned, the curiosity hitting me. "Nothing, it was a long time ago. Way before you were born." He said, brushing it off. 

Ellie POV

Clint collapsed on my bed, laying down.

"One thing that you would like to see, what would that be?" He asked. I sat there cross-legged, staring down at him. "To see where my future holds. Maybe know who my mate is. Maybe see my dad again. " I smiled to myself. Clint smiled to that.

He stared up to the ceiling. "I wish my parents didn't need to travel around. I would like them to be back here with me. I wish my father can help me to be the best damn Beta not just shove it at me and leave just because I have Beta blood" "At least you know where your dad is and your mum still alive" I mumbled under my breath, but with his wolf hearing he obviously heard that.

He looked at me, sitting up. "They would be proud of you. Look at you. Finally shifting. Not taking orders from an Alpha. And creating a beautiful woman, " he whispered the last part. "Have you ever thought about us being mates?" I frowned. "All the time. I hope we are, " he was leaning in. "Because it would make sense."

I closed my eyes, feeling his lips on to mine. I didn't feel a spark, nor did I feel revolted by it. He licked my bottom lips for entrance, which I granted.

I pulled away, falling back as he crawled over, hovering over me. Both of us breathed heavily. He was staring down into my brown orbs and then looking down to my lips. A small smile appeared on his face as I felt my cheeks warming up as I bit my lips.

Huh, ok." I said, deciding to drop it. Clint seemed relieved after I said that as I laid back down.

A sudden knock was heard from our door.

"Come in," Clint said.

It was a pack member. He stood there with his hands behind his back. "Alpha Ramond would like you to join him and Luna Ellie for a family dinner." The pack member informed.

I looked at Clint.

Since finding out we were mate a few weeks ago, we've isolated ourselves away due to how my father took it.

"Very well," Clint said as I snapped out my thoughts. "I'll let Alpha Ramond know now Beta Clint." He bowed before leaving us to our privacy.

"Are you sure Clint?" I questioned. His blue orbs met mine. "We gotta face it sooner or later. Hope, no more hiding. You're going insane being here on your own. Ramond just needs to accept the reality of it. He's just stubborn. He didn't enjoy finding out when Ellie was his mate nor wanting to accept it. But look at them now. He just needs time." He reassured.

"There's accepting who's my mate Clint but finding out his best friend, his beta just impregnated his daughter. I don't know how he's gonna take that news." I replied back.

Clint stared at me for a moment before looking away. "We'll just see how it goes." He mumbled in defeat.

Xander POV

A knock echoed into my room just as I was climbing back into my window from my run.

"Xander, you in there?" I heard Justin voice from the other side.

"What do you want?" I yelled annoyingly, putting on some clothes. "Dad wants us down for a family dinner. He said it's important."

I rolled my eyes, picking up a pair of pants. "Fine, tell him I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Alright." Was Justin response.

Great, now a family dinner.

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