The Return of Superman: Miya Family Edition

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A soft muffled noise echoes around the room together with sudden movement in the bed. A boy with big wide eyes stiffened from where he is as he realized there are changes in his room.

Big cameras, like eyes staring at him and his baby sister. 

He has seen a lot of cameras, his parents are always in front of big cameras, but the thing is, he's never in front of a camera, always behind it. Together with his baby sister, they're always watching their parents smiles and work in front of cameras and lights.

His eyes slowly roamed around their shared room and trying to count the cameras, one with a stand covered in a white sheet, and four cameras that are hanging on the wall. And some of them are facing the bed where his sister is.

What is going on?

He doesn't know, but he felt like he's on a big mission and he needs to do it —that is to save his sister and call his papa who is in the next room.

There's a noise outside his room. Barking and scratching. He paused for a little and ponder about what is that noise, his eyes widen in realization.

"Shusio..." Shusio is outside, and he's barking. And Shusio never barks unless there are people he doesn't know.

What if it is a monster and they want to eat Shusio?

He turns back at where his sister is, sleeping peacefully, and then to the camera. With no hesitation, he quickly throws his blanket away, picked up his bat (it's a plastic bat his daddy bought for him) almost tripping as he runs towards the door.

The hallway is too dark, but he can hear Shusio barking in the living room. So he tried his best to not make much noise, he remembers watching Boss Baby with his father and immediately copied what he watched. Sliding on the wall while walking sideways.

Okay. It didn't work well since he almost fell, thanks to his oversized diaper.

On his way, he saw Shusio barking on what seems like a small house. The one that looks similar to his baby sister's castle house in their playroom. There are many small white houses with a big camera and big men inside.

The man inside the house noticed him and they all turned their camera towards him like what those scary monsters did he that saw on the TV his dad watching.

And he shrieks.

It wasn't manly, but he can't help it, he is not a big fan of anything scary and he also does not like meeting new people. And just having some weird guys with a camera inside a small castle-like house in their living room frightened the shit out of him.

He quickly runs back to the hallways, pushing his parent's room and crying his dad's name. "Papa!" he said as he struggles to climb on the bed. "Papa!" he called again, sobbing his eyes out.

Hinata is quick to move when he heard his baby crying and calling him.  He quickly stood up from bed, rubbing his sleep away as he helps his baby climb the bed and pull him on his lap.

"Papa... there's a monster inside our house," he said between sob as he clings on his dad's oversized shirt, which is not Hinata's.

"What if they eat Shushio? Daddy is not even home yet" He cried again, and Hinata thought he looks like Atsumu when he cries. He always juts his lips out and his ears turn red, glassy big eyes and his eyelashes shine because of the tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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