25th December 1994

Start from the beginning


I was sitting in the common room with the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, Vicky and the rest of Durmstrang and we decided to start opening presents. We had decided to open the parcels under the tree first. Everyone grabbed one, each similar.
'Is this off Molly?' I asked smiling at the parcel.
'Yep, mums got us all a Weasley jumper!' Ron groaned as he opened his to find a maroon jumper with a gold R. We all laughed at his face opening ours. Harry got an emerald green Weasley jumper with a white H, Fred and George both got a golf jumper with a red letter corresponding with their name whilst I had a plain pink one. I had asked her not to put a letter on it as I had so many. No one notices as they put in their jumper but I did, Fred and George had switched letters. Fred had a G and George an F. I laughed to myself as I put it over my pyjamas that mummy and daddy had given me last night. Next we all pulled out a package from Charlie. He had gotten everyone money but I had a charm bracelet full of miniature magical animals. I smiled as I had Fred put it on my wrist.


After we had opened all the parcels under the tree I had gained:

-Felix Felices Flask from Percy

-Dragon ring from Bill

-A Mischief Managed necklace from Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius

It was now time to exchange presents. First was Harry's turn. I passed him a small package, it wasn't much but I knew he'd love it. It was a bag with an untraceable extendable charm, I had placed a lot of sweets inside that I knew he loved.

He also got a pranking kit from Fred and George, a broom repair kit from Ron and Hermione and a lot of sweets from Ginny.

Next was Fred and George, we always got them a joint present but it always was more than what everyone else got. I had gotten them an untraceable extention charmed back back each, filled with sweets and ideas for joke items. They had also got a pair of beater bats from everyone else that was signed by the Irish team.

Next was Ron. I had gotten him the same charmed bag with a lot of homework that he never did, a bunch of books to tease him and hidden in a corner was a lifetimes worth of sweets. Fred and George had gotten him a pranking kit, Harry a Binocular set from the quidditch cup along with the spinning hats. Ginny and Hermione had corresponded and gotten him an outfit.

Ginny was up next and we had all joined together to buy her a Clean sweep 1997, the newest broom out.

Hermione was next and as it was obvious we each got her a set of books. I had gotten her a couple of smuggle seta whilst everyone else got common wizardy books.

Finally was me, Vicky and Durmstrang had left a while ago but had left a long package for me which I opened first. As I peeled it open I recognised it as a broomstick and I smiled. I then tore it a bit more and saw the make and started screaming.
'Its a FireBolt 2.0! Its not even out yet!' I squealed jumping around. Everyone gawped at the package which I placed in the module so everyone could see as I sat back down.

Feed and George passed me a present next which was pretty small. I opened it to find a ruby encrusted beaters bat necklace.
'Its charmed, when you say 'Expando Bat' it will be a full size beaters bat. We know how much you love being a beater!' They said in unison as I got my wand out to try it. I whispered the spell and all of a sudden I had a beaters bat in my hand. I smiled as I turned it back by repeating the same thing.

Ron passed me his next. It was a small potions bottle which was wrapped in gold and red ribbon and said Gryffindor. I smiled as I looked inside to see some Veritaresum. I gave Ron a quick hug and a thank you.

Ginny then passed me a bulky package

I opened it and a pink and green flower crown fell out. I opened the package more and pink combat boots with a flower inner fell out. I squealed and gave her a hug squealing my thank you.

Finally Harry passed me a small package. It was a necklace with a few clear jewels and a S.
'The S is enchanted with a protective spell. The rest you place a spell in and when you think of that spell you can use it without a wand.' He said proudly.

I smiled at my pile of presents. I checked the time on the large clock and saw it was only ten to eight.
'We should head down to breakfast' I said nodding at the clock. Everyone agreed and we walked to the Great Hall after we had gotten dressed.
To be continued....


The Little Potter (THIS HAS BEEN PUBLISHED IN A DIFFERENT BOOK ON MY ACCOUNT)Where stories live. Discover now