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However many I decide to put her in


She is a dark purple artificial intelligence life form stored in a data chip. She has all knowledge on wherever her user is in. She can hack into anything out there, only life forms she isn't knowledgeable can prevent her from hacking into them, even though that won't last long.

The adventures of the no named Huntsman info:

She was created by a unknown scientist that studied in the creation's of artificial intelligence. After a raid by a group of huntsmen on the lab both her and ??? are being kept at she is taken by ??? to help him survive and blend into the outside world. When ??? got injured during the raid that left him blind she rerouted the battle suit given to him by his captors she became his eyes, helping him in any way she could. If one were to threaten this artificial intelligence they would meet a slow and painful death.

In this universe she helps monitor ??? aura and the functionality of the armor. She also provides any information that ??? might need to complete any mission given to him. She also helps with the echo location system that functions as a minds eye.

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