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Hinata's Pov
"Nu! I want to stay in diaper!" Kageyama yelled at me crossing his arms. Kageyama has been wearing diapers every time he regressed under 3 years old but now he is wearing them when he was big or when he was in older headspace. I sighed "Tobio you can't wear diapers all the time." He started shaking his head at me "nooo I stay in" he even started stomping his foot. "Baby boy, let daddy potty train you. You can wear diapers still but not all the time, okay?" I calmly explained holding the taller boys shoulders. He stared at me for a moment then did something he has never done, he slapped me.

I stared back at the boy moving my hand to my stinging cheek, I gritted my teeth "Tobio Kageyama! You do not hit people, ever!" I said in a stern voice looking at the regressed volleyball player. "I-i" he mumbled out obviously still deep in little space. "Tobio go to the corner" I said in a slightly softer voice pointing towards the corner of my room. I recalled a few days after I became Kageyama's caregiver we sat in his room making a rule book and punishment for the broken rules. The consequences were mild since he was usually good in little space and I would never want to hurt him.
I saw tears well up in Kageyama's eyes as he slowly moved towards the corner, it hurt to see my little boy sad but I didn't want him to become a brat. Grabbing my phone from my pocket I made a timer for 5 minutes while moving to his mirror making sure he didn't leave a bruise. A small sigh of relief escaped my lips seeing the barely noticeable red mark on my cheek, thankful I won't have to explain why I had a bruise to my fellow teammates.

"Dada... I'm sorry" Tobio said his voice cracking as he continues to stare at the plain white wall. I felt my heart break hearing my little boy upset. "Honey you still have 2 minutes left" I said looking at the timer, it hurt having to discipline my cute little but it had to be done. I looked at Kags his fist were balled up like a child who didn't get their way but he continued to stare at the wall.
I heard the timer ring which I quickly turned off I looked at the setter expecting him to move away from the wall but he didn't."Tobio are you okay?" I questioned usually after a punishment Tobio would come up and hug me. I stared at the raven-haired boy waiting for him to do something. "I no want to potty train" he spoke in a quiet tone after some time. I thought about my words carefully before speaking "but baby you can't wear diapers all-day either, so let Dada potty train his little raven" I walked over to him after speaking.
"It's embarrassing" he whined finally turning towards me "it's okay to be embarrassed Yama-Yama but please let daddy do this" I spoke looking up at my amazing boyfriend. He blushed at the nickname turning away from me again. "I-i guess" he mumbled playing with his fingers. I smiled "thank you so much for trusting me" I said hugging the taller boy which he gladly returned.

I grabbed Tobio's hand taking him to the kitchen. I helped him sit on the counter as I turned to grab a bottle from a box in the bottom Cabinet. When Kags saw the bottle his eyes lit up "I have Milky?" It sounded like a question so I responded "yes my little raven, you can have some milk" I gave him a smile that always makes him blush. I turned to the fridge to grab him some milk. "hey love, do you want some vanilla with you milky?" I asked I knew that Kageyama loved sweeter milk which was probably why all he drank at lunch was peach milk. "yes please" the little said the words slurred slightly. I turned to the cabinet to grab vanilla extract. I put a few drops into the bottle and shook it "aww my sweet little raven has such good manners" I cooed pinching his pink-tinted cheeks. I shook the bottle one last time before giving it to Kageyama which he took happily.  I smiled at my boyfriend I was so grateful that we were dating and he was so comfortable with me.  "um daddy why are you staring at me?" he asked shyly playing with the bottle. I smiled "because I am just so happy that I get to take care of my beautiful baby" he looked down his bangs hanging hiding his face from my view. I turned to put away the vanilla when Tobio spoke quietly obviously in a younger headspace than before. "me think daddy is pretty too." my smiled brighten at the shy compliment I couldn't contain my self I went and engulf my boyfriend in a bear hug catching him off guard. "dada I can't breathe" Kageyama complained I pulled away leaving my hands his cheeks slowly pulling him into a loving kiss. "I love you Tobio" I said pulling away "I love you too Sho" he said putting his head on my shoulder. "wanna go cuddle baby boy?" I felt him nod into my shoulder I grabbed his hand pulling him into my bedroom. 

tiny time skip ~

I felt myself start to doze off as Kageyama was cuddling into my chest looking up every time the movie we were watching made a loud noise or had a flash of colour. I rubbed small circles into Kageyama's back making me feel more relaxed. right before I fell asleep I felt a small tug on my shirt. I lazily opened my eyes looking at the black-haired boy silently asking what he needed. once he realized I was listening he started down playing with his fingers "umm dada?" I rubbed his shoulder in an encouraging manner "you remember what u were talking about earlier?" I nodded remembering our small argument earlier that day. "well i-i have to go the bathroom." he spoke barely above a whisper. I immediately sat up slightly startling him "honey you know you don't have to do it if you're not ready" I reassured him as he slowly sat up as well looking down at me "I'm sure dada I trust you." he said with a small smile that made my heart explode. I stood up getting off my bed going to Kageyama bag to get a clean pair of boxers turning around to get Kageyama. i grabbed his hand walking with him to the bathroom "are you sure about this? I mean you don't have to do this right now if you arent ready" I spoke softly wanting to make sure he was comfortable I would never forgive myself if I made him do something he wasn't okay with. he looked away from me for a minute before looking back towards me and nodding. I smiled and gave him a quick hug.                                                                                                                                   I went to the door and locked it before turning back to the regressed volleyball player.  i smiled at him before guiding him to the toilet "do you want to or me?" i asked gesturing to his pants he looked away again and pointed towards me i gave a hum moving to his sweats to unknot the drawstrings. pulling off his sweats i went to his diaper but he stopped me. i stared up at him in confusion but i stopped my movements and grabbed his hands. "Sho this is embarrassing" Kageyama mumbled slowly coming out of little space I rubbed his hands thinking of what to say I didn't want to make him uncomfortable but I also didn't want him the wear diapers all the time. "baby please can you let me do this we don't have to do it right now but can I do it soon?" I asked looking up at the blue-eyed boy. he looked down then letting out a whine "I want to but I get scared" he explained avoiding eye contact "awe my little raven there is nothing to be scared about daddy is just gonna help you for when you aren't my tiny small baby" Kageyama shook his head with flushed cheeks. "but-" he started to say another excused but I spoke first "pleaseee Tobio it would make daddy soo happy if you used the bathroom like a big boy right now" i gripped his hand slightly swaying them. "fine" he huffed out pulling away from me and attempting to take off the diaper which I quickly did instead. he fully turned away from me once the diaper was off I rolled it p and threw it to the trash. i looked back at Kageyama he was pulling his shirt down I was confused by the action so I decided to ask " why are you hiding yourself, baby? i have seen you plenty of times" he put his hand to his cheeks obviously flustered "dada!" he half whined half yelped out. I was confused about his reaction until I realized what I said and my cheeks went red as well. "that's not what I meant" I said looking down embarrassed. he giggled at my reaction "sorry" he said in between giggles. after we calmed down I asked "um how do you want to do this?" he looked at the toilet and thought for a moment "can you just not look please" he asked still not looking at me. I smiled and turned around facing the door "anything for you my little raven" I said continuing to look away from Kageyama. 

Around 5 minutes later I heard the sound of liquid hitting water I smiled happy that he did it by himself. after I heard the sound of the toilet flush I grabbed his boxers helping him into it and grabbing his sweats off the floor to help him into it as well. when he went to wash his hand I hugged him from behind breathing in his scent "dada why are you hugging me?" he asked turning off the water "because I am so proud of my baby boy being able to do it all by himself" I said proudly snuggling my head into his back. I looked dup at him seeing a soft smile on his face made me even happier "cuddles?" he asked while putting wiping his hand on a towel I nodded "yes my smart, amazing setter you can have all the cuddle all you want" i praised him making his cheeks pink. 

(omg I am so sorry that this took so long to get out but I hoped you enjoyed even though I kinda didn't follow the prompt. thank you so much little_directioner__ for the request. remember to use the request page to make request.)

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