"Hey. Do you wanna eat or drink anything?" I asked Hal.

"No, darling. I had some snacks earlier and Jeff said he and Danny were going to bring over some food." Hal said, his voice quiet so I'd be the only one to hear him. We stayed at the restaurant for a couple more minutes before we bid everyone goodbye. I gave them all hugs and kisses to the cheek.

I had to turn in my notice because my work for the foundation Hal had created was getting more and more demanding and I wanted to focus on it and on Hal. I had thought of a name and the number of bedrooms and kitchens and how many story building it should be, the designs, bed sizes, bathroom sizes.

The Circle Foundation and the name of the buildings, of the shelters were The Halvier Circle. Everyone and anyone who needed help was welcome, anyone and everyone who didn't have a home was welcome there.

To be honest, it was one of the best things I've ever done in my life and I can't wait to see the final look. Hal had given Prez, the day off and had driven us home, my hand had been in his thigh throughout the drive while Stupid Love by Lady Gaga played on the radio.

"How do you feel?" Hal asked.

"A bit scared. I've had that job for years and I know I'm working in The Circle but the fear is still there." I told Hal. It was the first stable job I had ever had. It was through it I had gotten my own apartment and bought clothes for myself and food.

"I understand. The fear isn't going to last forever, it would take a while but it will go away." Hal said softly and I nodded. I believed that.

We got home in record time. Hal got out of the car, walked over to my door and helped me out too. He was always doing this and it hasn't changed. It's been nine months now and he still always ties my laces, open the doors for me, pick out my food and a lot more things and it's just... the best.

I made my way up the stairs while Hal went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I pulled off my clothes, placing them in the hamper, I also took off my collar, placing it on the box that was always sitting open at my dressing table.

I switched on the water, setting it so it's the right mix of hot and cold water. While I waited, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. I had filled out kore over the months, I had changed my hair from the purple to a tangarine color that seemed to make my eyes glow even brighter.

I got into the shower, sighing happily under the spray of water. I was still underneath the shower when Hal walked into the bathroom, leaning against the counter facing me. Since the water wasn't hot enough to steam the glass doors, I was pretty sure Hal could see all of me.

He doesn't say a word, he stay there throughout the duration of my shower and holds out my large bathrobe for me, so I could easily slip into it. I spun around in his arms, smiling up at him.

"Thank you."

"Any time, darling." Hal said, leaning close enough and rubbed his nose against mine.

"Are you gonna shower now?" I asked him and Hal nods in response. He pulls me closer, hands tightening around my waist.

"Yeah. It would only take a while." Hal replied. Since he was going to have his bath, I decided to help him take off his clothes. It was not for personal reason. No. He had tossed his jacket off somewhere, so I unbuttoned his shirt, slipping my hand underneath his shirt, feeling his warm skin.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to bend you over the sink." Hal said, his gaze dark and full of intent and to be honest, I wouldn't complain if he did bend me over the sink and fuck me four times to sunday. Not right now though. We both needed to relax plus I had something planned for him later, something involving lace and thigh highs.

His Baby Boy (BDSM) (ManxMan) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now