chapter six - herbal tea

Depuis le début

Small hands worked hard to quietly grab the bag before heading to the door. Slowly slipping on each shoe off the rack and on before slowly unlocking the door. In an attempt to make the click softer than usual, before exiting. As soon as it closed behind her the dark haired girl bolted.

Running down the block before making a harsh turn, making sure she was completely out of sight from her own home before slowing down. Knowing her mama would make no hesitation to chase her 'baby' down the block if she saw her. 

Speaking of...

A soft buzz came from the girl's skirt pockett. Reaching in to take out her average looking smartphone. One that originally had a new cute little case every few months or so. It was one of the things she loved most. Whenever she felt down, all she needed to do was look at whatever adorable design that had been on her phone. But sadly that wasn't an option now.

Looking at a screen-  Mama❤

Kimi cringed slightly, jeez that woman didn't miss a beat. Taking a second to catch her breath the girl decided to answer the call. Not knowing what extremes the woman would go to if she didn't. 

"MY BABYYY!" The volume of her mother's slightly electrical sounding voice made the small girl flinch, but made sure her own came out as natural as possible. 

"What is it mama?"

"Where did you go?! You're going to miss breakfast.. And then..." the girl could hear the beginning of sniffling. "My poor hungry baby!" the woman cried out.

A sweatdrop formed at the girl's temple at the dramatic woman's words. 'I don't usually eat because of you anyway...'

"Ah, I forgot to tell you.. I made plans to get breakfast with a friend from school." the girl reluctantly lied, a evident frown on her face. 


After a second the girl became worried. "Mama?"

"my.. My Baby HAS A FRIEND?!" 

The cheer that came from the small phone speaker was so loud, Kimi could have sworn the phone almost shook out of her tiny hand. Quickly holding onto it with both in hopes of preventing it from dropping onto the hard concrete below. 

"Tell me!  What's their name?? What grade?? Are they in the same class?? How did you meet? Is it a boy or a girl?? What do their parent's do?? Favorite color-

"Mama I gotta go now" the girl attempted to end the rabbling.

"Oh, goodness you must invite them over!! I'll make the cutest snacks-"

"Love you mama, goodbye!"

Quickly hanging up, the girl turned her phone off with a sigh. She felt bad, but knew deep down if she didn't hang up she would have been stuck on the phone until school started. Forced to answer question after question about a person that didn't exist...

Kimi couldn't help but to feel down. Lying to her mother about something that obviously made her so happy..

It killed her.

"I'm sorry, mama..." her voice was barely a whisper. 

Her heart clenched in her chest. Maybe she could try to make one friend this year.. 

For mama. 

The girl pushed past the thought with a small sigh. She didn't need to worry herself about that right now. Instead she'll stop by the cute bakery she had seen near her school and pick her mother up something yummy as an apology. Whether her mama knew it was an apology gift or not wasn't important.. 

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