chapter one - kitty onigiri

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Kimi stood in front of the large mirror hanging on the inside of her open closet door, taking in every inch of her own reflection. It was her first time really seeing herself in Komorebi High's female uniform, seeing how her application into the school was a little later than everyone would have preferred. Then almost immediately after receiving the clothing her family had to get it tailored to comfortably fit the girl's petite form. Just getting the said uniform back late yesterday evening, the day before her first year of high school would begin.

Komorebi's female uniform consisted of a plain, yet flowy, carob brown skirt and a matching button-up blazer. The blazer's collar was slightly triangle shaped with two pale peach lines running close to the edge. Leading to a bow of the same color. Two more stripes laid at the bottom of the uniforms sleeve, matching the collar. Along with a pair of knee high back socks. The girl had also received a pair of black ankle socks and pantyhose. Most likely to be used for the summer and winter seasons.

Along with this, a white fluffy cardigan laid across the girls bed. Another piece of the uniform, though this one was optional. Most people most likely wouldn't be wearing a cardigan this time of year and Ishikawa really wanted to blend in as much as possible.. But it would be a lie if she said she didn't want to wear it really really badly.

The girl got cold easily...

What would be worse, sitting all school day shivering in her seat, teeth chattering. Or just wearing the cardigan. With that though alone she had successfully talked herself into walking over to the tossed aside item. Picking it up and quickly throwing it on over her blazer before gently placing her uniform collar and bow on the outside of the open piece of clothing. Then speed-walking back towards the mirror.

Eyes returning to her reflection, the girl couldn't help but sigh at the sight of herself. Komorebi's uniform was extremely cute...

Kimi looked extremely cute.

Almost like a doll, or anime figurine.

Kimi couldn't help but feel like she was fighting an already losing battle...

Having such a cute uniform would usually make any girl feel joyful, but to Ishikawa cuteness was nothing but a curse. Something to keep hidden away, just like the scar that embedded itself under the space of her dark bangs.

Light cyan eyes moved down to her feet, staring down at her bunny house slippers for a moment with soft eyes. Lightly lifting her foot off the ground before stepping it back down on the cool wood of her bedroom floor. A small smile forming on the girl's face as she watched the adorable pink ears of the slippers bounce up and down at the movement. The sight successfully calming all of the tiny girl's fears an insecurities that where bubbling up, even it was just for a moment. Only in the safety of her own home, like this, could the girl truly feel safe enjoying all the cute things in her life.

Is this how she would have to live the rest of her life? Hiding the things she liked and her true self behind closed doors. And for what? Just so people wouldn't hate her.

So people wouldn't hurt her..

Kimi quickie shook off the thought, it wasn't important right now. The girl didn't need to go and upset herself before her first day of school even begun. She'd just have to cross that shitty shitty bridge when it showed itself. Right now, what was important was getting breakfast before the girl had to head to the train station.

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