Angels And Healing Water

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Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when lottie  came up the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure through time and space

"so doctor where we going today"

"anywhere you like lottie  it's your surprise trip so you can choose "

Said the doctor while smiling at her she noded and was about to pull the leaver when the tardis went out of control the doctor tried to get up the step but fell down as the tardis went out of control

" what going on doctor  "

" I don't know but hold on we be OK just hold on to the console "

Said the doctor while holding onto the seat lottie  noded and they both held on to the tardis as they fell through space I wonder where they going to end up least find out.

In America the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain. People where along the path with umbrella to protect them from the rain a few miles away from the city a building with the unit  on it. Outside the building the unit  team where walking back from another mission when they hear a noise in the background Charlotte frowns and put her ear to the ground

"you OK Charlotte what's wrong"

"I can hear something jack can't you hear that "

Said Charlotte while putting her finger to her lips so they could hear what she heard, they all listen and they suddenly hear a weazing noise sky smiles and wonder if that the noise she heard

"is that what you talking about"

"it sounds like a machine you sure is something we need to worry about "

Said martha while wondering if it was any danger to them if they left it charlotte shock her head and they all headed down to where the noise was when they saw the tardis land on the ground as hard as a rock grace  frowned and turned to Charlotte as she recognised the box

"is that your tardis Charlotte"

"no it my husband I wonder if he OK "

Said Charlotte while watching the door open to see the doctor come out the guards point their guns at them

" they won't hurt you matt you ok"

"Charlotte oh I'm so glad to see you sorry about this me and lottie  where just in the tardis when the tardis went out of control sorry "

Said the doctor while hugging Charlotte glad to see she was OK max  smiles and walked to him and wonder who he was

" who are you are you Charlotte husband "

" I'm the doctor and yes I am "

Said the doctor wondering why he asked that, Charlotte smiled and held the doctor hand and kisses him on the cheek martha smiled and said while wondering if he like to see the base

" so doctor do you want to see our base "

" sure least go doctor I love to see this "

Said lottie  while holding his hand and they walked In to the building and looked around

" this is where we come after saving the world "

" it's very big wow this place is incredible "

Said lottie  while looming round the place could not believe this was happening, she smiled and they carried on not notice a weeping Angel a few metres behind them. But they carried on like normal and went to base where Sargent Gary  was walking around waiting for another battel when the door opens and the team came in Gary  said smiling

  "hello doctor "

"yes that's me don't salute "

Said the doctor while smiling at him but before Gary  could say anything the angel appears and tried to destroy them

" don't turn your back ". 

To be contained...


Previously lottie  and the doctor where in the tardis talking when the tardis went out of control and they headed to earth. But who was behind it well least find out as they feel through space to America where they meet unit  but as all seams well the angels apears what will happen next least find out. 

Back in America the rain was patter on the town bellow as people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain. People where along the with umbrella to protect them from the rain a few miles away from the city a building with the unit  logo on it and a metal dog on the top of it. Inside the building the hole place was full of corridor leading to different places within the building as you walk up to the console room the doctor and the other where looking at a angel that had appeared out of nowhere do step in front of it and asked who it was.

"who are you what do you want"

"we are the weeping angels we want power and who are you "

Said the voice of the angel while turning it head as Gary blinked they all stepped back they all point their guns at them ready as the doctor smiled.

" unit brilliant "

They all screaming and tried to kill it but it kept on moving everytime they try and destroy it

"we can't kill it is there a way to destroy it doctor"

"make them look at each other if there more then one "

Said the doctor while trying to think at the top of his head he remembered the time of having lots of weeping angels and they all looked at each other this time it was only one and that all he could think of so far. So they nod and find a mirror to reflect the angel smiled knowing they can't destroy it

" you can't destroy me"

"you think "

Said max  while putting the mirror in front of it and it froze on time they all cheer. But the doctor thought this was to easy and it was so he walks over to Charlotte and held her hand

" I love you and I miss you very much but I'm so proud of you for what you done to save the world "

She smiles and hugs him and watches and he walked off lottie  salute them with a smile

" unit team  "

They all wave and they watch ad the tardis disappeared like a ghost in the night martha walked to Charlotte and wonder who they where

" you and the doctor OK "

" yeah we OK but he loved lottie now  "

Said Charlotte while smiling at them all and they carried on with their work with saving the world. 


In London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth inside the box the doctor was sitting on the chair asleep with a book on his head. When lottie  came through the door as fast as she could and lifted the book of his head

"doctor wake up I need to show you something"

"what is it lottie  "

Said the doctor while getting up with a smile glad to see her and glad she still travels with him as he started to fall for her over the times they spent together lottie  smiled and showed him a picture on her phone of water and people getting heald by it

" look there some water there that heal its awesome come on see for yourself"

"OK least have a look "

Said the doctor while taking her hand and they walked into the building and saw lots of people buying the water to heal what ever they need it for, the doctor frowned and looked at the water as he goes thinking if it was real or not. But he knew that there is water out there that does heal so he did not want to be rude now so he picked it up and looked at it

" wow it's very clear water how it heal"

"let me show you "

Said the man at the desk while taking the water and taking them to another desk where lilly sat up and put her arm on the desk her arm had a scar on it from the many adventures they have. The man put the water on her arm and it started to heal the doctor was shock this was real and it was amazing but what strikes him was odd was the water shimmers with some light was it regeneration water. Or just healing water what ever it was it was amazing and he had to find out where it came from so he got up and headed to the wall to read what it was about,

"the water was found in a river that had not been touch for a long time people say that the planet was destroyed in the time war. But travers have seen the planet telling us it survived this is a grate discovery and we want to show and share with the world"

" that sounds awesome can I buy some"

Said lottie  while wondering if she could buy it as it was really awesome do she wanted to get it, the man noded and gave her one and her and the doctor walked back to the tardis wondering about the planet

" I wonder if we could go to that planet see what it's like"

"yeah we could if you wanted come on least see if this is the water that heals "

The doctor beans and lottie  goes through the door and the doctor followed and they travel through time and space to their next adventure take the water that heals everywhere they go to save the world.

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