The Rescue

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You woke up to the sounds of chattering on the ship and quickly got dressed in the cloths Will brought you. A simple long shirt with a vest, stockings and a pair of boots.

You went outside and saw Jack and Will talking to a group of people who were lined up on deck. You assumed they were the crew Jack recruited.

You listened to their conversation.
"What one?" Jack looked confused. "This one?" Jack snarled as he looked at the ship as then he looked back at Anamaria. "Aye. This one. What say you?"

"Aye!" She shouted.

Then the rest of the crew shouted. "Aye!"

"Anchor's aweigh!" The parrot squawked as the crew members went to work. "No, it's frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard, sir, let alone two." Gibbs told Jack glaring at the woman then at you.

"It'll be far worse not to have them." Jack told him tipping his hat towards you.

"If you say so sir"

Will motioned you to join him gather some supplies and helped in any way you could.


A few short hours later, you were in a storm. They had told you to stay close to the cabin, just in case as Gibbs and Will were trying to do the ropes, but got splashed by the water then they got up quickly trying again.

You were peeking out between the cracks and holes that formed on deck. As far as you could see, the sea was filled with giant waves that crashed up high above you and were rolling down below.

You got impatient and felt useless.
You went out and pushed the two men and easily tied the ropes yourself.

The men stared at you impressed as you went back inside."I was born on a ship. What did you expect!?" you yelled. Will playfully grinned at you coming to your side and helping out.

Later as the storm started to abate, the wind died down and waves started looking small, the rain stopped "She's slowing, get ready with the sails!"

Gibbs approached Jack "What's in your head as puts you in such a fine mood, Cap'n?" Gibbs asked to him, holding onto something.

"We're catching up." Jack replied with a big grin.


It only took a few days till you reached the infamous Island, Isla de Muerta. You peered over the ship watching it pass by all the debris from other sunken ships.

You stomped your way towards Jack. as he saw you coming his way he widely grinned at you.
"Good evening fishy." He told you as he handled the ship's wheel.

"This is where they took her?."

"It's where the compass pointed" he answered looking around the thick fog. You took a step back, nodding as you understood what he meant to do "The hidden Aztec gold. They're trying to break their curse!"

He locks the wheel and slowly walks closer to you "Clever are we?" he teased looking straight into your eyes.

You took a breath and stared back at him, "I know your plan. I won't allow him to get traded away to those pirates."

"You know quite alot for someone who doesn't seem like it."
He glanced over at Will who was watching the debris. Jack turned back to you "It's the only way you'll get your lady friend back, fishy. Now... What will it be aye? Your friend or that man?"

You didn't answer. You looked at Will with watery eyes, unable to choose. Your chest heaved as you tried to stop yourself from lashing out at him "Isn't there another way?" you asked, your voice breaking.

A Siren's Song (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin