Adventure Huzza?

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This is it. This is the day you'll meet your father.

You quickly shoved your way to the front of the ship and looked out into the horizon, coming face to face with the harbour.

With your heart in your throat you helped the other men with making preparations to dock the ship. The faster the better, and you clearly knew what you were doing.

As the ship stopped, you quickly ran into the cutlery to get your leather pouch. And as much as you just wanted to jump off the ship and run to your father's side. You had to say your goodbyes first.

You walked into the Captain's cabin but Oliver wasn't there. "maybe outside" you thought heading out and looked around the ship.

You went to the front and saw Richard conversing with a lady. "that was quick" you thought to yourself.

They seemed to be in a deep conversation so you went away to give them privacy and continued to look for Oliver.

"Miss Lorve!" calls George. You looked down from the ship and see him standing at the foot of the deck.

You quickly ran to him and stopped as you got closer. "You look tired.... From rejoicing about our arrival I assume." he mutter looking at you with a genuine smile this time.

"I am, but I was actually looking for Oliver. He's nowhere in the ship. Did he tell you where he went?" you asked slowly catching your breath. You hear him sigh "He wanted to be alone and went off. I don't know where"

"I see" you whispered in a sad tone. "Well, I suppose I'll be off then. I just wanted to say goodbye before I leave. It was nice meeting you all, thank you"

George takes your hand and kisses the back. "It was nice meeting you too Miss Lorve. Although I find you to be quite annoying... A nuisance, it would be nice to meet you again some day." he says looking as happy as ever.

"Do you mean that or are you just happy I'm leaving?" you asked jokingly.

He simply smiles and nods turning away and getting back to his duties. You huffed, "I wish I could've said goodbye to Oliver... No matter" you thought to youself. You turned and left the harbour, looking around as you asked for directions along the way.

The people at the harbour were less rude to you when you asked for help whilst the people in the town reluctantly gave you directions as they stared at your clothes with distaste.

You ignored the stares and kept walking towards the referred directions.

After awhile of walking around you finally made it to a sort of clearing. You walked past the cultivated lands and went further as a mansion slowly came into view.

"This must be it" you thought, looking at the large house.

You clenched your chest and breathed out. You walked up to the door and knocked it a few good times and waited.

The doors slowly opened and a young maid peeks out and examines you. She looked at you with distaste and confusion, "Yes sir?"

You snickered and went on with the act. "I'm here to meet my father, F/N Lorve. I was told he was being nursed here." you explained in a deeper voice.

The maid's face lights up and nods, "Ah yes, Mr. Lorve is in the guest's room being treated by a doctor who suggested that unless he was fully awake, no one was to meet him. Would you like to wait in the common room sir?" she asks hurriedly.

You nodded, "I would like that, and can you inform my arrival to my father as soon as he wakes up? I've been wanting to meet him more than anything" you said folding your arms looking around the mansion.

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