Chapter 1: The Throne Room

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The five Targaryen children stood at the front throne with older siblings and aunt watching as King Rhaegar, Queen Lyanna, and Queen Elia listen to the people of King's Landing. Once a month, they made their presence known while the people made requests of the king and queens. They stood to side, never speaking unless asked. It was a boring few hours for the princes and princesses.

"Where's Viserys?" Visenya whispered to Daenerys after about an hour.

"No idea" the slightly younger Targaryen responded. "I haven't spoke to my brother all week."

"Hush, you two" Rhaenys scolded the pair of silver-haired girls before turning her attention back to her parents and Queen Lyanna. Visenya rolled her eyes at her sister as Dany linked their arms together.

"You should listen to her." Jon leaned down to whisper in his sister's ear. "If mother finds out..."

The small girl jabbed her free elbow into his side causing him to bump Aegon. The Crown Prince glared at his younger siblings and aunt. Visenya gave him a sweet innocent smile before turning back to her father.

"She'll be the death of us all" Aegon mumbled barely audible but Jon chuckled lightly at the statement.

A few years ago, King Rhaegar announced his discussion to have Aegon and Visenya marry. The betrothal had been a bit of shock to the Seven Kingdoms and more importantly to Jon.

It was common practice for the Crown Prince to marry his sister but most of the court believed Aegon would marry Rhaenys but she opted out of marriage. The people than thought he'd marry Daenerys. Sure she was his aunt but was rised more like his sister, it could. Then Dany got cursed by that witch from Essos and now she can't have children.

No one ever expected, Aegon and Visenya to end up betrothed. Since the twins had been born everyone assumed they belonged to each other. Seven hells, Jon was pretty sure he'd end up marrying his twin sister or that she be married of to their cousin, Robb. But yet here he was, three years after the announcement waiting for the day his twin and older brother were married.

"We're done for today." Rhaegar announced after the three hour mark. Instantly, Daenerys and Visenya where head out of the throne. Jon watched as the pair vanished through the crowd. "I see Visenya and Daenerys have run off again."

"Like always, Father" Rhaenys told her father taking her mother's arm and leaving the room with two queens.

"Boys" Rhaegar turned to his sons.

"Father" they spoke in unison.

"Your Uncle and his family are coming to visit from Winterfell." Rhaegar informed. "I expected you two and Robb to behave this time."

"Visenya, Dany, and Arya are the ones you should be worried about, father." Jon stated knowing full well that if him, his brother, and cousin got in trouble it would be because of them.

"Yes, them too" Rhaegar agreed.

Visenya leaned against the railing of Dany's balcony. She could see the training yard and make out her brothers fighting with swords.

"Do ever think about what would have happened, if my brother hadn't won the war." Daenerys asked looking at her niece.

"Robert Baratheon would have killed us all." Visenya said bluntly watching as Jon beat Aegon. "Isn't strange how Jon always wins."

"It his Northern blood." Dany pointed out. "Northern are breed different according to Viserys."

"We're honestly going to take that slacker word on that." Visenya turned to her. "He's out in that brothel again."

"Rhaegar put a stop to that." Daenerys spoke softly.

"Sure because Viserys listen to his brother and King." Visenya rolled her eyes at Dany's innocence. Viserys was brattiest person Visenya every meet. The odd of him actually listen to Rhaegar were so slim, that Visenya wouldn't be surprised if her father had to outlaw brothels to keep ger uncle out of them.

"He does occasionally."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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