Prologue: The Tower of Joy

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As Rhaegar Targaryen looked up from Robert Baratheon's lifeless body, he saw Eddard Stark approaching. The young lord had the same fierce look like his sister, Lyanna. It didn't surprise the Crown Prince. Stark had every right to want Rhaegar dead, considering he had no idea about the truth.

"I won't fight you, Lord Stark" Rhaegar said stabbing his sword into the ground beside the fallen Baratheon. "Your sister would see me dead if I even tried."

"Where is she, Rhaegar" Ned growled. He wouldn't dare attack the unarmed prince but he wants answers about his sister.

"She's safe, I promise," Rhaegar said glancing around the battlefield as both sides ceased fighting. "I'll take you to her."

Ned was confused by Rhaegar nature towards the subject. As for as he knew, the prince had kidnapped his sister but yet he didn't seem to be lying. Rhaegar truly wanted to take Ned to Lyanna.

Lyanna rested her hand on her swollen stomach as she stared at the window of the Tower of Joy. In the distance, she could she two men approaching as horseback. As they got closer, she began to make out the familiar faces of her husband and brother.

"Rhaegar's back," Lyanna told one of her handmaids as she moved for the tower door. Once outside the door, she made her way down the steps as quickly as she possibly could.

"You should have waited inside," Rhaegar said pulling his wife in for a hug and kissing her forehead.

"You've been gone for too long" Lyanna argued turning to her brother hug him. "Plus I haven't seen my brother since we ran away."

Ned held Lyanna at arm's length as he looked her over. She looked exactly like she had a year ago but with one minor difference. Her heavily pregnant belly.

"Twins according to the Maester" Lyanna informed her brother. "He says the way I'm carrying means I'm boys but I swear one has to be a girl."

A year later, Prince Viserys seat outside observing his sister, sisters-in-law, niece, and nephew as they seat in the courtyard with Lady Catelyn and her son, Robb. The five toddlers stumbled around after four-year-old Rhaenys as their mothers were deep in conversation.

Viserys wasn't happy about being outside with them. He hated being forced to anything with his brother's wife and children. He also didn't appreciate being forced around Little Dany but at least his sister was true Targaryen.

"Visenya" Lyanna Stark shout to get her silver-haired daughter's attention. The little girl had just hit her twin for some unknown reason.

"You know you can join them, Viserys" Rhaegar placed a hand on his little brother's shoulder as he and Ned walked into the court. The young King and the Warden of the North still had some problems revolving around Robert's Rebellion but they worked most things out for Lyanna's sake.

"Risk getting hit by Visenya" Viserys hissed "No thank you."

Rhaegar looked down at his four children and nephew. It was known the Visenya had a habit of hitting her brothers. Jon and Aegon had a tendency to pick on her and though she had the looks of the dragon, the little girl acted like a wolf.

"She is her mother's daughter" Ned stated watching Visenya and Daenerys tripped over each other and got back up to chase after Robb, Jon, and Aegon.

"Mama" Rhaenys shout running over to Elia, Lyanna, and Catelyn with three little flowers. The oldest princess hand flower to her mother, Lyanna, and Cat before rejoining the five little ones.

"I'm going to the library," Viserys said fleeing inside before Rhaegar could stop him.

The Seven kingdoms may be at peace but between his siblings and children, Rhaegar knows House Targaryen wasn't.

WARNING: Do this revolving around the Targaryens and Game of Thrones in general that incest, death, and other gruesome and immoral things will happen. Read with CAUTION.

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