A Great Power Awakens, Along with a New Hero

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Izuku jolted awake and found himself standing in a crowd. Did all that just happen? How did I get here? Was it that golden figure? While Izuku began to mutter he noticed a patch of blonde hair peeking out of the sludge. Oh no. That sludge villain. I must have knocked it out of All Might's pocket. This is my fault. I need to fix this. That gold figure said he could make me a hero. Is it true? Can I really be a hero? Was any of that real? What's real and what's not? Before he could get another thought, he found himself running towards the sludge monster and Kacchan. Why am I running? Why do I keep finding myself looking for death? What made me try to act like some hero? The sludge threw tendrils towards him but Izuku ducked under them then readied himself to throw his backpack. He released his backpack and saw it leave his hand. However, it wasn't the only thing to leave his hand. A bright blue looking boomerang thing shot out of his glowing hand.

The glowing light hit the sludge villain in the eye and blew a hole through the mass of liquid

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The glowing light hit the sludge villain in the eye and blew a hole through the mass of liquid. Midoriya rushed at it, pulling at the liquid covering Bakugou. While he wasn't looking, the villain prepared to cut the kid down until it's sludge was stopped by a powered up All Might. With eyes of wonder, Izuku turned to All Might. All Might I can do it now. I can be a hero. I'm not powerless. I finally have power, didn't you see that light I threw. All Might pulled both of them away from the villain. All Might then hit the villain with an uppercut and the media began to charge towards the heroes. Bakugou got praised for his awesome quirk while Izuku was berated by Kamui Woods and Death Arms about how dangerous that was to fight a villain without a quirk. Did they not see that light? The heroes kept chastising him about being reckless and putting his own life at risk. Behind them Mt Lady was grumbling about how some kid almost ruined her image as a hero.

On his way home, Izuku was yelled at and complimented, in a round about way, by Kacchan. When Izuku turned a corner, All Might jumped and flexed "Hello, Young Midoriya." Oh my Gosh. All might said my name but how does he know it? I don't remember telling him. "Young Midoriya today you reminded me what it means to be a true hero. You ran straight into danger to save a kid even though you didn't have a quirk. While it was reckless, very very reckless, I could see the passion to help people in your actions." Midoriya looked down "All Might, sir. I didn't do anything that good. I put myself and Kacchan in danger. And I don't even remember why I ran in. Just one second I was watching and the next I was running towards that sludge guy." All Might deflated and coughed into his hand "That right there Young Midoriya is what I'm talking about. The greatest heroes have talked about the sensation of their body moving before they could even think. Their body's and mind's were subconsciously trained to prioritize saving lives, that it becomes your first instinct. That's what happened to you today. That's also why I know that you can be an amazing hero. Young Midoriya, I deem you worthy of my power. I want you to be my successor." Izuku stared at the ground for a minute. I know I've already heard those words and experienced this before, but it feels really touching coming from the man I admire the most. I've made my vow to keep living, no matter the circumstances. Izuku looked up "Ok, if you can help me I will follow you and accept whatever you have to give me." All Might smiled "That's the spirit. I actually expected you to be all confused but this works too. My power is called One.For.All. It's a sacred torch past down for generations. Each user improving the power and passing it along. I was given this power from my master, and now I want to give it to you. Will you let me train you and teach how to be the next symbol of peace." Tears began flooding out of Izuku's eyes "Yes, please guide me All Might. I'll do it to become the greatest hero this world has ever seen." Behind All Might, Izuku swore he saw the silhouette of the golden figure giving him a thumbs up. Before he left, All might told Izuku to be at Dagobah beach the next morning at 6:30. The next 10 months would be grueling but would also show a glimpse at the power the golden figure had given him.

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