"Didn't you have Netflix to return to or something?" A small smirk erased the apprehensive expression on his face thanks to her response.

"It can wait another ten minutes." After debating in her head for few more moments whether she should bother to stay or not, curiosity got the best of her.

"...Alright. But make this fast, I've got places to be." She didn't really, but it wasn't like she wanted to be around him for too long. He gestured for her to enter with his hand, closing the door behind her once she was inside. She was actually in Dez Wade's house. Her life was seriously becoming an alternate universe.

"So what's this about?" Once they had sat down opposite to each other at the kitchen island table, Trish cut to the chase as soon as she could.

"Well..." Dez started, not really sure how to get out exactly what he wanted to say. "You apologising is a huge stepping stone for us don't you think?"

Trish narrowed her eyes at him. "What's your point? Look, If you're expecting me to do nice things for you from now on then you better stop with -"

"No, no. That's not it." He quickly interrupted her before she warned out a threat. Feeling completely lost to the relevancy of this conversation, Trish sat back in her chair with her arms crossed.

"Then what exactly are you trying to say to me then?" Dez hesitated. Glancing away from her quickly, he swept a hand threw his red hair, and Trish silently reprimanded herself for staring at the action as if it was something worth noticing.

"Maybe we should try picking up where we left off with that whole agreement thing?" He looked at her anxiously, hoping she wouldn't be too difficult about this like he was anticipating. She didn't say anything for a few seconds and before she finally did she let out a sigh.

"Do you really want to attempt that again? Because we couldn't even do it for a week the last time, Freckles."

"I think you aplogising to me shows that we can do this if we really try." He replied with a shrug. "Besides, aren't you tired of fighting all the time?"

She didn't want to tell him that as much as she hated seeing his face on a daily basis, she actually got a few kicks out of their arguments - she could barely admit that fact to herself. Though she knew that if she really thought about it, it would be easier on her life if he wasn't there trying to ruin it half the time.

"I...I guess." A small smile grazed his lips. He in all honesty kind of enjoyed their arguments too, but in what universe was he going to admit that out loud? Definitely not this one.

"Good. So what do you say? No more fighting, agreed?" He reached his hand over the table for her to shake, and Trish stared at it for a long moment. She really did have nothing to lose. Maybe she could finally let herself see what everybody saw in Dez Wade that she didn't. Slowly, she placed her small hand in his outstretched one.

"Agreed. Only on the condition that I can still call you all the nicknames under the sun." And for once, you could say that there was a sort of genuine smile on her face aimed towards him. Dez let out a chuckle and responded.

"As long as the nickname Moody still stands too." She squeezed his hand hard and he yelped, casting a glare at her. She laughed amused, calling him a baby and then proceeded to tell him that this was her way of being playful.

It looked like they were going to have to ease into this 'being nice to each other' thing. And from the way Trish was still squeezing his hand, this was definitely going to take some getting used to.


Two weeks later, Trish and Dez were still easing into the new dynamic they were not accustomed too - not being mean to each other on a daily basis. After being mean to one another for five years straight, it was no wonder they were kind of struggling at first. There would be times where they would share a laugh, and other times where they slipped back into old routine - but it wasn't like they weren't trying. This time around they were really making the effort.

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