"Oh I know." He said teasingly, "But if you're admitting right now you're planning something, I won't pry on the subject anymore." He says as he innocently goes back to cutting up potatoes.

I let out a laugh and hop up from the couch, making my way over to him. He's so perfect. I wrap my arms around him, planting a kiss on his shoulder, "Don't pry, I'm still just planning is all. I want it to be perfect."

     "Baby, we can plan together." And you know what, in the moment, he was right. The idea of me planning and setting everything up , sounded perfect. But I don't have a planning bone in my body. All my birthday's were planned for me. Ethan always planned Valentine's Day, and holidays we've spent with my family, so my mom usually planned it and dad brought the liquor. I wanted this to be my turn.

    "Fine, what we're you thinking?" I sigh in defeat.

    He squealed in excitement, "Finally! Okay, so there's this art shop Downtown that offers couples pottery lessons," he turns with puppy eyes, "we could try that."

   "You're the artistic one here, that literally only benefits you."

   "Ugh, you're right." He said far too quickly it almost offended me. He didn't have to agree but I guess. . .

"There is that new restaurant opening up, literally that Saturday before our anniversary. Sunday morning you can plan out whatever it is you have in mind, and at night we can dress up and go to dinner there?" He finishes.

    Not that bad. I have driven by the sign a couple times. It's a new Mediterranean restaurant. I'd be down to try something new.

Look at him, already relieving some of my stress. I'm telling you, he's perfect.

    "That doesn't sound too bad. Mediterranean right?" I already knew what type of food it was but just watch this...

    "Yes ! Isn't that so cool. Y'know. . ." He says in a little high pitch tone like he usually does right before he goes on a rant, "Now that I've been in this town for like 2 years , I can actually say this, But the food options are Trash! Like the best thing around here is the coffee shops and that maybe that one Italian spot. But it's only that one ! Have you tried the other one? It's terrible." Crazy, being with someone for as long as I have, you learn the in and out's of how they work. He's complained about the food options here for so long, I knew he'd go on a rant. 

     "Yea baby, I remember you telling me... three times the day you ate it."

     "Ugh I'm just pissing myself off all over again." He huffs as he grabs all the cut potatoes and puts it in a bowl.

I'm starting to think he hangs with Angie too much.


     2 days before our anniversary and I just finished getting the last of my gifts for him. The mall was rather dead but it didn't bother me since the lines were quick. I successfully managed to hit everything on my list. Each thing I'd been saving to get him since they each came with a meaning behind it, even down to his favorite candy.

     Gummy worms. But specifically the 711 kind because they, and I quote — "are the elite of all gummy worms." Which I made sure to add a sticky note, saying exactly that. Then, new black vans because what felt like our 100th date back in June, we went dirt riding. I specifically told him to wear an outfit he didn't mind getting dirty, but to him that didn't apply to shoes so technically I owe him some.

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