Chapter 2 (Morgiana's POV)

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Alibaba ran to Anise quickly, Aladdin and Morgiana behind him. He dropped to Anise's side, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. His whole body was shaking. Her eyes were open, but they had no life in them. He shook his head. She couldn't be dead. This was all just a bad dream, right!? Morgiana checked her pulse and her shoulders slouched. "S-She's gone..." She admitted. Aladdin started to cry.

"Ms.Anise, no!" He cried. Alibaba started to cry along with him. What could've happened in such a short period of time!? Just that morning Anise was saying goodbye to them, wishing them to stay safe. This just had to be a bad dream. It had to be. It had to be! Alibaba started to slap himself, trying to wake him up from this absolute nightmare. Morgiana grabbed his hand.

"It's not a dream..." she told him, sadly. Aladdin sniffled, tears breaking from his eyes. Aladdin fell to his knees, crying. Morgiana watched both boys as they started to sob uncontrollably. She didn't know what to do. This wasn't something she knew how to do. She wasn't a mother, how could she know what to do when two kids are sobbing so much-!? She was a child herself! In the end, she decided to let the boys have a moment to grieve. But one moment is one too many. Large footsteps came near the house, making Morgiana's eyes widen as she stood up. Her eyes met the one of the Titan. The menacing stare the titan gave her was sickening. The boys were still in the middle of grieving, though... Stopping them now would mean... most likely emotional damage to them permanently, mostly for Alibaba. But if they continued, they'd all die! Morgiana shook her head, grabbing the boys hands and forcing them to run. "Run!" She yelled to them.

"But... mom- What about mom!? We have to at least... get her body!" Alibaba protested. Morgiana shook her head again.

"If we went back now, we'll all end up like your mom, but in the stomach of a titan!" She screamed, pulling them more. Alibaba looked behind them, seeing that the titan got distracted eating someone- wait... There wasn't anytime to be fully sure, but he could've sworn that he saw his moms dress in the titans mouth. Before he could be certain, Morgiana pulled him and Aladdin both out of the area.


Once they got on one of the escape boats, Alibaba stared down at his feet. He didn't know what to do now. They were all alone now... He... he was never able to ask his mom about why she agreed to letting them train, he never got to tell her... how much he loved her. How much he appreciated her... but now she was gone. He couldn't say anything to her anymore...! Aladdin put his hand over Alibaba's shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I miss her... already..." he mumbled. Alibaba nodded, hugging Aladdin.

"Me too." Morgiana stood next to the boys, watching as the rest of the city was either burned, or crushed by the titans. She gulped, looking down. At that moment, someone, a child (?), walked over to the side of the boat. There was this furry in his eyes, something Morgiana had never seen before.

"I'm going to put a stop to this. I'll kill them all. Every. Last. One."

"Eren..." Another boy with a hair color similar to Alibaba's said, his voice filled with concern. Suddenly, Alibaba stood up and walked over to the Eren kid and placed his hand over his shoulder.

"You and me... both." Their eyes met with furry and rage, like two fires combining to make a wildfire. It was like they were witnessing the start of a villains story... One filled with anger and pain. Morgiana wanted to jump in, but before she could, Aladdin walked over to them and nodded.

"We all will. Together." He declared, putting his hand up for them to -Morgiana supposed- unite? Alibaba looked over at her, gesturing for her to join. Another girl walked up and put her hand in.

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