66: Tensei Part 2/3

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How big is the platter they are gonna bring out for me? I hope it isn't to big. Maybe it'll just be a little basket. I hope so. I placed a hand on my stomach. I'm not that hungry. I don't need to be at least.

My wrists are itchy again. Tenya told me not to scratch. But he didn't say I could rub on them...

I slid my fingers up my sleeve, still staring at the blank wall. I felt the two that reopened earlier and avoided them, not feeling the urge to have to clean then again. I lightly pressed on the scars. I don't know why, I just like the way it feels against my fingertips. I pressed harder, feeling the slight pain. I began to scratch lightly.

"Stop," Tenya said softly, pulling my hand away and out from under the sleeve. He looked at my finger tips, glad he didn't see blood. I jumped slightly at his touch and looked back at him. I mumbled a sorry and looked away at the wall again. Tensei was still confused but still said nothing.

My phone buzzed lightly. I took it out and read the message sent to me. Tenya messaged me, asking me if I was okay. He was looking at me so I just turned and nodded. He wasn't buying it and just pulled me slightly closer.

"So, Midoriya, what's your family like?" Tensei asked, awkwardly wanting to change to conversation. "Oh, my mom works in a small mom and pop shop. She works as a cook some days and a waitress other days. She's really sweet and kind." He smiled and nodded.

"Do you have any siblings?" I shook my head. "How about your dad? What does he do?" My hand twitched and Tenya felt this. "He doesn't currently have a father," Tenya answered for me. "Oh, I'm sorry I mentioned it." "It's alright," I insisted.

"So, what are your friends like?" "Oh, well, first there is Uraraka. She's really sweet and fun to be around. There's Tsu, her girlfriend, who doesn't talk as much but is a good friend. Oh, and Jirou, Tokoyami, Shinsou, Todoroki and I are all really close. We like to have movie nights and listen to music together. Jirou is laid back and funny. Tokoyami is also really laid back and doesn't talk as often as the others. Todoroki, at first he was really cold towards others, but then I got him to warm up to me real quick. No pun intended. He's a little antisocial but I don't mind. Then Shinsou, he's sassy and such a jerk sometimes but at the same time I know him like the back of my hand. His two favorite things are cats and coffee. He's basically a mini Aizawa. He's dating Kaminari. Kaminari is really hyper and funny, but he's also really caring. He loves joking around and pulling pranks. He does a lot of dumb stuff sometimes, but that's okay. He's also a great cuddle buddy. But so are Ura, Tsu, Jirou, Toko, Todo, and Shinsou. But Kami is the best cuddler out of them. Oh, and then there is Kacchan. You'll probably know him ask Bakugo."

"Oh, you mean the explosive crazy person who needed to be restrained and had a muzzle?" My expression twitched slightly, but I ignored the twitch. "He doesn't like having that brought up. He won't admit it but being restrained like that was similar to being restrained as when he was kidnapped and it brings up bad memories for him." Tensei gave a sympathetic look.

"Kacchan and I have been friends for a very long time. We grew up together. We had a little... miscommunication after he got his quirk though..." Tenya cut me off, "yeah by him bullying you every single day." I slapped his arm harshly and gave him a look to let him know to knock it off.

"Kacchan and I talked it out though and we are back to being friends. He seems very explosive and vicious, but he's really just loud. He doesn't like to let people know, but he really cares about his friends. He's there for us one way or another. He also has a soft side that he doesn't like to show. He just doesn't want to seem weak and vulnerable. He pushes himself too hard, but he's working on bettering himself. He's really kind-hearted when he wants to be. So, uh yeah. Those are my main friends." I gave a small smile at the end.

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