I finished up my homework and took a sketch of the sunset peering through the trees with the lake reflecting everything. It was a such a beautiful sight. I liked that I got to see it everyday. It was calming, and it brought some light into my life.. that's not meant to be a pun but it genuinely made me happy. It helped me forget the bad things in the world.

Tendo: Whatcha drawing~

I jumped hearing that familiar voice. The guys were watching me from behind the tree. I gave them all a glare and they all seemed nervous. I grabbed my things and walked away from them. I could tell that they were following me.

You: Stop following me.

Goshiki: We want to hang out with you.

You: You guys need to study.

I heard whispering and then it went silent. I went to turn around to see what was going on when I met with Ushiwaka. He picked me up and Semi grabbed my bag and sketch book.

You: Put me down.

Ushiwaka: No.

You: Semi~

Semi: Nope. We're hanging out and you can't escape this one.

Hayato: Our grades are fine, one day wouldn't kill us.

I looked at Tendo and he avoided eye contact. I rolled my eyes and gave in. The guys gave me big smiles as Ushiwaka set me down and Semi gave me my bag.

You: So where are we going?

Reon: Semi's house. We're all sleeping over.

Shirabu: Wait is she going to spend the night?

All the guys looked at me as I kept walking towards Semi's house. I wanted to get this over with so they would go do whatever guys do at sleepovers.

Semi: You're spending the night.

You: Do you want my dad to kill me?

Semi: That won't happen.

You: I'm making you take the slaps for me.

Semi: I keep getting slapped..

Reon: We won't let you get slapped Eita.

We continued to walk to Semi's house. We got through the front door and the guys flopped onto the furniture while I was just standing in the door way. Semi smiled at me before we heard a woman yell.

Mom: Eita! Who's here!

Semi: Just the guys!

Semi sighed while I tried to hold back a giggle. We took off our shoes and walked into the living room with everyone else. We sat down and we all talked for a bit. Semi's mom came in and smiled before she looked dead at me.

Mom: Is this your girlfriend?

Semi: Yeah. This is [y/n]. [Y/n] this is my mom Koya Semi.

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