6/Sleep Over

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I stayed after school today as a teachers assistant. I help bring papers around the school for the faculty and I also help clean the classrooms. I don't like going home to my dad so now this is what I do till I'm excused, and then I go to the park afterwards till dark.

I had the volleyball brackets and the new uniforms for the team. I walked to the gym with the box and papers in my arms. I knocked on the door and looked inside to the see the guys practicing.

You: I have the uniforms and the game roster for the quarter finals.

Coach: Thank you [y/n].

I nodded. I set down the box of jerseys by the bench and handed Coach the roster. I waved goodbye before walking out of the gym. Before I walked away, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see the team looking at me.

You: Do you guys need something?

Hayato: Can we walk you home?

Tendo: We miss hanging out with you~

You: Actually when I'm done here I don't go home. Now go back to practice before coach yells at all of you.

I smiled and began to walk away. I could still feel eyes on me, but no footsteps could be heard. I sighed as I walked back into the school. I missed hanging out with them as well, but they need to focus on school and volleyball. Semi is graduating as well, he needs his grades to be up so he can get into a good college. He is a setter and pinch server, he's reliable. The team needs him.

Then there's me, a girl who just studies and draws to pass her time because she has no real goals or obligations on life. I've been taking my life a day at a time, not really caring where I end up. Maybe I should find a goal, something to strive for. Something that means more than just making someone smile for a few seconds.

I finished cleaning up my final classroom. I grabbed my bag and started to walk towards the park where I'd eat my lunch. I started to skip lunch and eat my food for dinner. I didn't have anymore money for snacks so this was my other choice. It's not that bad actually.

It's a bad thing to skip meals, I know. I'm aware that skipping meals can lead to many problems including eating disorders but I can't do much else. I'll probably start packing two lunches and try to make sure dad doesn't see.

I just need out of that house. I don't have anywhere else to go. I could ask the guys but the whole reason why I don't see them much anymore is because I want them to focus on school and volleyball more than me.

I made it to the park right at sunset. I sat down under a tree that was in the back of the park and ate my dinner. After I finished eating I started to do my homework. I enjoyed doing my homework at the park. It was so silent towards sun down and not many people came here unless it was a couple on a date. Even then, they didn't bother me.

Actually, if a couple was here I would draw them. It was good practice to draw people in focus while the background blurred behind them.

As I finished up my homework, I felt eyes on me. I looked around but no one was here. Not a single person was in the park. I shrugged it off and went back to doing my homework.

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