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The Next Game Semi Plays - Wakutani

I sat in the stands cheering on Shiratorizowa. Semi was playing this game and the guys were playing at their best. It was amazing to watch. Their hard work has been paying off so much.

I knew that this would work. As long as they focused on school and volleyball, we would remain the top school in Miyagi. We could go to nationals!

As the game ended with us winning the two sets by a long shot, the guys got their water. I walked down from the stands and made my way to the gym. As I walked in, I saw the guys all laughing and talking. I went to walk over to Semi but I saw another girl with him.

His face was blushing and he was flustered by her. He brushed her hair behind her hair and he kissed her. My stomach dropped and my heart beat almost went to a complete stop.

I felt tears swell in my eyes. The guys looked over to me and they saw my tears. They looked at Semi and realized what was going on. They smacked him on the back of the head and he looked up at them then me.

Semi: Wait [y/n] I-

You: ...you played well Semi... I hope you guys make it to nationals..

And with that, I turned around and walked away. Tears ran down my face while I tried so hard to control my shaking breath. I sat in my car and just cried into the steering wheel. I screamed and cried as hard as I could.

You: f...f- fuck... W- was I n- not e-...nough...

I opened my eyes to see the sun pouring into the room. My throat was scratchy and tears were dripping off of my cheeks. There was a knock on the door and then it opened. Semi opened the spare room door with a smile on his face but that faded once he saw my face.

Semi: [y/n]? What happened?

You: ...am.. am I good enough...

Semi: You're perfection [y/n]-

You: That's.. not what.. I asked..

Semi: Yes you're good enough. You're everything I've ever wanted and more... Where is this coming from..?

I held my face in my hands while I tried to control myself. My tears poured even harder hearing his words. Semi held me in his arms and he hummed to me. He rubbed my back as he held me tightly against his body.

I explained to him my dream and how much I feared of losing him. He only held me tighter and he promised me that he'd never leave me, and especially not cheat on me. The guys called for Semi down the hallway. Semi got up and walked outside of the room.

Reon: Why are you in [y/n]'s room?

Semi: I walked in to wake her up and I saw her crying so I tried to comfort her.

Hayato: Woah, what happened?

Semi: She had a nightmare.

Tendo: About~?

Semi: I cheated on her.. and she's developed a fear of being all alone again so she started crying.

Sorry Senpai | Semi जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें